“Fortunately, you are here so that I can be so efficient. Otherwise, with my little aura, it might take more than a year to completely eradicate it!”

“At that time, the demon fetus will be fully mature!”

Guanyue Qianxia wiped the cold sweat on her head and said!

"Don't hold on so hard that your bones are exhausted. I'm telling you, I won't let you go!" Natsume Yang said half-jokingly!

"Don't worry, I'm sensible! Besides, how can I hide my physical condition from you?"

 Guanyue Qianxia smiled and said it with confidence!


 Xia Muyang shook his head helplessly at this!

 The fact is, just like Kanyue Qianxia said!

 There is no error at all!


 It took Kanyue Qianxia a week to remove all the developed demon fetuses!

In this regard, Kanyue Qianxia just wants to say that it is the fault of Natsume Yang, otherwise, it would probably take him a year and a half to do it alone!

“Okay, there will be nothing else to do next, everyone can get on the right track of cultivation!”

 Luoxian Sect has just entered into silent cultivation!

 The leader of the Luoxian Sect was originally recognized by everyone as Natsume Yang, but Natsume Yang rejected him and asked Kanyue Qianxia to take his place!

 He and Bai Ling became deacons and handled affairs on their behalf!

 After that, various management systems and operating orders were slowly discussed!

Luoxian Sect has become the first fully organized sect in this chaotic world!

 The successful establishment of the Luoxian Sect naturally attracted the arrival of the nine major sects!

"As expected of Your Excellency Xia Muyang, you are really powerful. You are so capable that you can actually build a sect so quickly!"

As for the grandeur and magnificence of the Luoxian Sect, the nine major sects say they are not looking forward to it, but that is definitely a lie!

 After all, in front of the sect, there are two mountains filled with spiritual energy, like a dragon and a tiger, and the bells are beautiful!

And the various buildings are still interconnected, supporting, setting off, and shining, stretching for 50,000 feet!

The Cang Qiong Pavilion is even more towering and wrapped in the power of rules!

Moreover, all the building materials are made of various spiritual treasures that these sect masters are envious of!

 What fairy tears, green gold, golden emperor wood, and heavenly breath divine mud!

This is not something that even the strong men in the Sky Realm would envy!

  Not to mention some of the decorative items, they all exude an aura of rules!

 Evidently they can be used as spiritual weapons!

There are also various powerful spiritual beasts living and cultivating near this sect, many of which are existences that these sect leaders have dreamed of seeing in their lives but have no chance to see!

 But here, they get along peacefully with the people of Luoxian Sect!

  It is simply a paradise on earth!

After a tour, the nine sect masters just want to say, luxury, luxury!

Their sects are simply ashamed of themselves in front of the Luo Xian Sect!

 Furthermore, everyone in Luoxian Sect is treated very well!

Even if one person only needs a room full of spiritual energy, there are also piles of resources for them to practice!

 Even a pig can become a master!

They are all cultivation sects, so why is the Luo Xian Sect so good!

 They are shown to be so incompetent, even mediocre!

 They are very unbalanced in their hearts!

 At this point, they suddenly had a bold idea!

It would be a pity to give so many resources to those dirty female monks!

 Good steel should be used on the blade, and so many good resources should be used by real geniuses!

 So, they started to make insinuations!

"Your Majesty Xia Muyang, the Luo Xian Sect is so impressive, but the number of people is too small, and there seems to be no monks in many places. It seems a bit wasted!"

Taoist Moxu touched his beard, opened his eyes slightly and said!

"Your Excellency Xia Muyang's status is now very important. It seems inappropriate to do this! This will set a bad start for all the sects in the world! Ah!" Wang Yuping immediately echoed!

“It just so happens that the war has just ended, and everything is still in ruins. Your Luo Xian Sect has just been established, and many places should not be so perfect. Therefore, we should have more exchanges with each other!"

Qingfuko looks like a fairy, and she is full of feelings for Natsume Yang!

Hearing what they said, Xia Muyang couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He said: "I don't know, what do you think I should do? Or rather, what do you want to say!"

 “Hehehe, communicate with each other!” The nine sect leaders looked at each other and gave a unified answer with a smile!

"Each of our major sects want to send some outstanding juniors here to exchange and study. Your Excellency Xia Muyang can also consider the birth of our juniors and further improve various aspects of the system!"

"After the exchange and study is completed, I think the entire continent will have a deeper understanding of the Luoxian Sect, right? Sect Master Xia Muyang!" Wang Yuping said with a cunning look!

 “Exchange and study, this is a very appropriate word to use, okay, no problem!”

Natsume Yang agreed directly without thinking!

Hearing this, the nine sect masters were immediately overjoyed and thanked him quickly: "Hahaha, you are worthy of being the sect master Xia Muyang, you are really generous!"

“In this case, we will send the communication genius in the near future. When the time comes, we will trouble the Master Xia Muyang to worry more!”

Wang Yuping raised his hands and bowed slightly, saying!

 “Hehehe, no need! Isn’t this what I should do?”

 Xia Muyang squinted his eyes and said with a smile!

 He smiled very brightly and was happy!

 Seeing Xia Muyang's smile, the nine sect masters felt a little panicked for some reason!

As we all know, every time Natsume Yang shows this smile, someone will be in trouble!

“Gulu, Your Excellency Natsume Yang, you must have a smile that makes us a little panicked!”

Wang Yuping looked at Xia Muyang and said!

“Hehehe, why are you panicking? I won’t eat them, and I won’t do any harm to them!”

Natsume Yang’s smile became even brighter, and the nine sect masters suddenly became even more panicked!

 But after much deliberation, they didn't expect anything bad, so they slowly adapted to it!

 And they called their plan to send exchange students the ‘silverfish plan! ’

 They must slowly hollow out the Luoxian Sect. In this way, they can also limit the development and growth of the Luoxian Sect, and work hard for them to continue to dominate the right to speak!

Xia Muyang looked at their excitement and sneered in his heart: "Exchange and study? Hahaha, if I believe you, you will be really stupid!"

 “Aren’t you coveting the great environment and massive resources of our Luoxian Sect!”

“You must think that I will treat the monks you send for exchanges as if they are guests from afar!”

"But it's a pity that it won't! If you want resources and enjoy this excellent cultivation environment, you have to pay the price for my response. I, Luo Xian Sect, will not raise white-eyed wolves and eat free rice. people!"

Xia Muyang can roughly understand what they are thinking just by looking at the expressions of these people, especially Wang Yuping!

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