“No problem, we agree!”

 Immediately, someone who was once under Natsume Yang spoke up and responded!


 “We agree too!”

 Immediately, after thinking about it, more people chose to agree!

 After all, whatever Xia Muyang says next will be harmless to other sects like them!

 The only ones whose interests may be harmed are the nine major sects!

 But so many sect masters present have agreed, it is no longer important whether the nine major sect masters agree or not!

The nine sect leaders saw this scene with different expressions!

 But they didn’t raise any objections!

Seeing this, Xia Muyang glanced around, waited for everyone to calm down, and then started to tell!

“This proposal is also very simple! In the past, under the pressure of the demon clan, everyone followed the instructions of the nine sect masters. This was not a problem at that time and was the most correct choice!"

“However, times have changed now, everything has changed! We have now restored the entire Baoling Continent, and the territory has reached an unprecedented size!”

"At this time, if we continue to use the same tactics as before, it would be a bit too authoritarian, right?"

“I think all the sect leaders don’t want to have to obey the arrangements of the nine major sects for the development of all sect affairs in today’s era!”

“That is not in line with the theme of the times and is not conducive to the recovery work of all sects!”

What Xia Muyang said was very realistic, directly bringing some dirty things in the dark to the surface!

Many people were frightened by Xia Muyang's words, and thought to themselves: "How dare you say that!" Then, they looked forward to Xia Muyang's next words even more!

“So, my suggestion is to cancel the power of the nine sect masters to decide specific sect affairs, and change it to sects’ independent decision-making, and each sect manages its own affairs!”

“But retain the monks’ alliance, in which every sect is a member, and everyone has one vote for decision-making, sharing resources, supervising each other, and developing together!”

"When a certain sect shows a wrong tendency, or a certain sect deliberately creates chaos, the monk alliance will discuss together and decide whether to retain the sect!"

“The Monk Alliance Conference is held every five years to formulate a five-year development plan and goals and determine the development plan for Baoling Continent!”

“These are my suggestions! Come on, everyone, tell me your suggestions!”

Xia Muyang looked at the audience and saw all the sect leaders present with different expressions: excited, uncomfortable, gloomy, just to name a few!

“Then let me ask you, after this reform, where will our nine major sects be placed?”

“We have made so many contributions to the Baoling Continent, and you are just like this, but the dog is dying, doesn’t it feel chilling?”

It was Qingfengzi. He looked at Xia Muyang with a gloomy face, and his eyes were burning!

“Haha, senior Qingfengzi, please calm down first. Of course we will not forget the contributions made by the nine sects!”

“So, your nine strongest sects have the power to use one vote as two votes!”

“Moreover, as long as the nine sects reach an agreement and less than half of the other sects oppose it, the fate of the entire continent can be decided!”

“When allocating resources, they will also be allocated according to the strength of the sects. The nine major sects are definitely the ones at the top!”

“In this way, your interests will not be harmed at all, but other sects will also have the ability to manage and better restore Baoling Continent!”

“Your Majesty Qingfengzi, what do you think? Are you satisfied with this arrangement?”

 Xia Muyang looked at Qingfengzi and asked again!

 “This… I need to discuss it with several sect leaders to know!”

Qingfengzi’s anger suddenly became much smaller!

 According to Xia Muyang, the interests of their nine major sects have indeed not been harmed at all!

 They can still rule Baoling Continent if they work together! Moreover, you can legitimately have more resources!

 It’s just that Qingfengzi always feels that something is wrong, but he hasn’t noticed it yet!

 “What are the opinions of other sect leaders?”

Xia Muyang looked at the sect leaders of all the sects except the nine sects!

 “Of course we support it!”

 “Yes, we are very supportive!”

Of course these sect leaders will not object. After all, according to Xia Muyang's suggestion, they will basically be completely free in the future!

Moreover, they also have the power to make decisions about Baoling Continent, allowing them to go from having no power to one of those who hold power. They are all vested interests, how can they object!

 As for the nine major sects allocating more places, that’s normal, right?

This is, after all, a world that values ​​strength and the weak eats the strong!

 “So, nine sect masters, what are your opinions?”

Xia Muyang looked at the nine sect masters again, and asked with a smile on his lips!

 “We…have…no objections either!”

Qingfengzi and the others discussed it over and over again, but found no problems, so they all agreed!

“Then, since everyone agrees, this matter is settled like this, there will be no major changes, and it will not be changed from now on!”

This time, Natsume Yang made the final decision without asking for anyone’s opinion!

I don’t know why, but after hearing Xia Muyang’s last words, Wang Yuping, Qing Fengzi and others couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of foreboding!

 But they couldn’t tell where the ominous premonition came from!

If Natsume Yang knew their inner thoughts, he would definitely be happy to tell them: "Yes, the nine major sects have such strong power, one vote is worth two votes!"

“As long as the internal opinions are united and less than half of the opposition is opposed, mainland affairs can be decided! And there are more resource allocation quotas!”

“But, I didn’t tell you that the quotas for the nine major sects are fixed!!”

“Those with transcendent power are the nine strongest sects. Now you are the strongest, you are the nine sects!”

“But if your strength is no longer among the top nine in the continent, that would be embarrassing. You will no longer enjoy this kind of power!”

This matter was solved surprisingly smoothly!

 Natsume Yang couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief!

Even though it went so smoothly, Natsume Yang was always on high alert!

 He is afraid that something will happen that will affect the progress of his plan!

 “The first step to establish my right to speak has already begun!”

“The shackles of the nine major sects jointly deciding on matters have also been cracked!”

“Next, just wait for time, the people’s hearts will slowly ferment, and finally the shackles that bind Baoling Continent will be broken down!”

“Hey, boiling frogs in warm water is indeed a vicious and very effective method!”

 After determining the general basis, all the sect leaders present began to continuously improve this new system based on this basis!

 One day has passed like this!

 The new system is almost complete!

 With the unanimous approval of all the sect leaders, this system was implemented!


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