Hearing Xia Muyang's words, Kanyue Qianxia's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "You are the most powerful, I knew you would be able to do something!"

Hearing this, Xia Muyang smiled and said: "But this kind of thing still has a long way to go!"

“The nine sect masters and the monks, it’s not easy to get them to agree!”

"Of course..." At this point, Xia Muyang's eyes flashed with sharpness, and he said: "If someone deliberately messes up, distorts, or slanders, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

“That’s right, I have a very bold idea that I want to put into practice!”

 “If you can’t communicate normally with words, then you have no choice but to use force!”

“I am not a person who likes to use violence to solve things. Of course, I do not rule out the use of violence in special circumstances!”

He raised his head and said, "The Eight Kings captured by delicious food, their hands are very itchy now!"

 “It should be a very interesting thing to transfer them all!”

 “We don’t have enough manpower? But that’s not necessarily the case!”

“No, in addition to this, we also need absolute military exploits and an absolutely crushing advantage to silence all the monks in the world and convince them!”

 Quan Yue Qianxia suddenly raised her head and said!

“Hehehe, our Qianxia is also very smart, and she got to the point!”

"Let's go. Since we need military exploits, let's go fight. If we want to give them a good destination, we need to work hard..." Xia Muyang said with a smile!

"Oh, I see!"

Hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia nodded, and her face suddenly looked much better!

"Qianxia, ​​if we want to establish a foothold on this continent after the war without being squeezed out, ignored, and become puppets by the nine sect masters, we really need a piece of land to stay!"

“I didn’t have a good excuse at first, but I didn’t expect you to deliver it to me so quickly!”

“Well, although it’s not a bad idea to plot against others, sometimes you have to plot against others!”

“However, I don’t intend to sacrifice anyone, and it’s probably not a real plan. Even if Chinatsu knows the truth, she probably won’t blame me!”

Natsume Yang looked at Kanyue Qianxia who had gone away and said!


 “Demon, get out of here!”

 After having that plan, Kanyue Qianxia’s motivation suddenly increased a lot!

Furthermore, what makes Kanyue Qianxia happy is that many female monks who were pregnant with demon fetuses were persuaded by her to have the idea of ​​​​continuing to live again!

 This is the happiest thing for Kanyue Qianxia!

 So, Kanyue Qianxia, ​​who felt very accomplished, suddenly felt even more accomplished!

 “Eat my slap!”

As a tool man for thousands of years, Bai Ling is naturally 'forced' to fight!

 As for Natsume Yang, as the vanguard, he is naturally at the forefront!

 “Come on, follow Master Natsume Yang’s footsteps and kill all these bastards!”

"Kill, Lord Natsume Yang is here, he is watching us, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

No, in just one week, Xia Muyang conquered quite a few monks with his absolute charm!

He almost made them his fans, following him in all the wars without any complaints!

 Let their title change from Your Excellency Natsume Yang to Sir Natsume Yang!

 For all of this, the nine sect masters refused, but they could not stop it!

 Because righteousness lies with Natsume Yang!

 His banner is to expel foreign enemies and restore peace to the mainland!

How dare the nine sect masters say no!

As long as they dare, they are the enemies that hinder the peace process on the mainland!

 Will be hostile to everyone!

And Natsume Yang, with his strong strength, wise command, fair distribution, and fair and decisive management, has been recognized by more and more monks!

 There are many other sect forces that have decided to firmly embrace Natsume Yang’s thigh!

 Because it is obviously easier to follow Natsume Yang than to follow the nine major sects!

 This is the unanimous thought of all the forces that follow Natsume Yang!

  Natsume Yang is courageous, tolerant, decisive and wise! Have a unique vision and a long-term perspective!

 As a good manager, Natsume Yang has all the qualities he needs!

Many strategies that they had never dared to think of before, now, with Natsume Yang’s encouragement and tolerance, have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain!

 When these strategies came out, Xia Muyang was willing to believe, support, and take risks to let them implement them, which also greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of many people!

Even if they fail, Natsume Yang is willing to wipe their butts!

 Instead of being like the nine sect masters who blame each other and blame each other, and then let their subordinates take the blame!

 And in terms of resource allocation!

 Xia Muyang divided the account into 37%, handed over 30%, and kept 70% for himself!

 Furthermore, those who perform well can receive additional rewards!

 Under such a system, basically no monk is unwilling to work hard!

The harder you work, the more you will get! can be stronger!

 In this world, the greater the hope of survival!

Most importantly, Natsume Yang set up an honor system. He recorded all the sacrificed monks and wanted to burn them after the war so that all the monks would remember them!

 Such methods immediately gave all the monks a stronger fighting spirit!

Live with wealth and honor, and die with honor and fame. It’s not a loss!

Of course, Natsume Yang’s wisdom is also reflected in efficient management and zero tolerance for corruption!

 All monks who go out to fight don’t need to worry about what’s going on behind the scenes when fighting!

Instead of being like the nine sect masters who often break out in various mutinies and turmoils!

 Severely affected the progress of mainland reunification!

 So, who can not like a strong, enlightened, and wise manager like Natsume Yang!

“Master Natsume Yang, you are so amazing. Under your leadership, our recovery speed has been several times faster!”

“Hahaha, those demons were so frightened that they **** themselves after hearing our flag!”

 “Lord Natsume Yang, others are getting weaker as we fight, but we are getting stronger as we fight!”

“Our team of monks has gained many more monks from the Haori Realm, and there are also several more powerful men from the Firmament Realm!”

 A group of monks looked at Xia Muyang and said flatteringly!

“Okay, no need to say flattery, everyone knows what my virtues are!”

“The process of reunification of this continent is already halfway through. I hope everyone will continue to work hard for the rest of the journey!”

“I’m going to start with my ugly words. If you fall out of control in the future battles, or suddenly do something stupid and sorry for everyone, don’t blame me, Natsume Yang, for being cruel!”

“Everyone knows what my nature is. Everyone, a great future is waiting for you. Don’t make mistakes. Do you understand?”

Xia Muyang glanced at the whole place with extremely majestic eyes, making everyone who was caught by his gaze tremble!

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