The Demon Emperor's fists are very fierce, domineering, and extremely powerful!

Each punch seems to have the power of a horizontal explosion, tearing apart the space!

Maybe only a monster like Natsume Yang can fight against the Demon Emperor without any loss!

 “The Ice Emperor Sword Thousand Worlds!”

 “The Ice Emperor Sword Great Thousand Worlds!”

 “The Ice Emperor Sword One Three Thousand Worlds!”

Natsume Yang’s big moves in a row!

Each of these moves can destroy the heaven and the earth, and its power is unparalleled!

 However, facing the Demon Emperor, he actually fought them all with a pair of fists!

 Only a chaotic space is left, as well as the torn upper atmosphere!

  "Okay, okay, you are worthy of being chosen by the guy from the origin of the world. He is indeed amazing!"

“This kind of sharpness, this kind of power, is very good, I, the Demon Emperor Government, recognize you!”

“In the past five hundred years, you are the second person besides Old Man Tianxu who can make me so excited!”

 Demon Emperor Zheng was covered in wounds, some of which were so deep that his bones were visible!

 His bones were constantly flashing with spiritual light, exuding powerful divinity!

However, even though he was seriously injured, there was no pain at all on Demon Emperor Zheng's face, only a heart-stopping and ferocious excitement!

Xia Muyang could clearly see the spiritual energy around him, which was trembling to the point of being reduced to a particle because of his excitement!

“To thank you for your hard work, I decided to kill you with the strongest blow!”

 “Devil Emperor Fist!”

Demon Emperor Zheng shouted, the aura on his body condensed in an instant, and the gray rules of destruction instantly surrounded his entire body!

His whole body suddenly lit up, like a torch, his blood boiled and rolled up like thick smoke, and the space was distorted!

Every cell in his body seemed to be shouting with excitement, as if the gods and demons in the sky were drinking wildly!

 “Come on, Natsume Yang, let me see how strong you are!”

The Demon Emperor roared, and the Demon Emperor's fist seemed to be able to twist the entire space, and the surrounding space was completely imprisoned!

 Natsume Yang can neither freeze space nor move space, even if he stops time!

 Natsume Yang, you have to face it!

 “The Ice Emperor Sword One Three Thousand Worlds!”

Natsume Yang also became ruthless, hitting each other with the strongest blow!

In an instant, the terrifying long swords and the Demon Emperor’s fists collided!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

 Just like the collision of planets, this terrifying momentum is a loud noise!

Even though they are tens of thousands of feet high in the sky, the powerful aftermath of this terrifying power is still causing the earth to continue to break!

Space is distorted and spiritual energy explodes!

 The bodies of the two people are all falling apart!

There were drops of blood, full of the power of rules, and the entire aura of Baoling Continent was spinning and flipping because of the collision between the two!

  A series of terrifying thunder and lightning collided, shattering the earth!

Tens of thousands of feet, hundreds of thousands of feet in scope, constantly broken!

 The battle between the two is getting faster and faster and more fierce!

 The sky is filled with the flesh and blood of these two people full of divinity!

This flesh and blood is constantly falling, nourishing the earth, and also making big pits in the earth!


The two of them fought farther and farther, and fought farther and farther!

 Wherever he goes, he leaves behind a strong wind that no force can erase!

The entire Baoling Continent is wailing because of the two of them in Xiamen!

   Surrender from all sides! Bahuang trembles!

Various aftermaths have caused various scars on the earth, forming powerful dangerous areas one after another!

"Is the Demon Emperor...that's all he can do? Come...release more powerful...tricks and let me see!"

 Finally, the two people who had been fighting each other for more than three quarters of an hour finally stopped!

  The bodies of both of them are in terrible shape! The sound of gasping was like thunder, extremely terrifying!

All of them are exposed in all parts of the body. There are not many places with flesh and blood!

 The bones were all covered with spiritual light, and the internal organs and meridians were clearly visible!

"Ahem... As expected of Natsume Yang, you are indeed very strong. Come on, this is the last move!"

"The last resort, let's do it!" Xia Muyang's eyes instantly turned bright when he heard this, like two bright suns, with endless oppression!

 “Xianxu flash!”

 “Demon Emperor Light!”

 “Let’s show off!”

 They both roared at the same time!

Thousands of spiritual energy turned into two terrifying treasures of light, rolling across the vast sky, causing the space to wrinkle, and finally, they collided together!

this moment!

Heaven and earth are silent!

 All sounds and even light were swallowed up by these two attacks!

 The two people who created all this were enveloped in it!

Then, what was instantly devoured inside was only a pile of skeletons, meridians all over the body, and an infant spirit with rules engraved on it!

 The entire Baoling Continent was illuminated by this attack!

Everything in this ten thousand feet high has been bulldozed!

Even at such a terrifying distance, the earth is constantly crumbling, with no resistance at all!

this day!

 All the monks finally remembered the fear of being dominated again!

 Baoling Continent is constantly collapsing, as if it is about to collapse and disappear into this world!

As a world spirit from Baoling Continent, Yun’s figure has been becoming ethereal, illusory, and even broken from the moment the two began to fight!

It took nearly a quarter of an hour for the aftermath to completely dissipate!

 There was a big hole left in the sky!

 A huge hole with no side visible at a glance!

 The entire battle on the battlefield had to end because the battle between the Demon Emperor and Natsume Yang ended!

 Because the aftermath of the battle between these two people was too strong!

 Except for the two of them, no one can fight safely in the aftermath of their fight!

 No one has the heart to fight anymore!

Whether it’s the demon clan or the monk alliance!

 At this moment, I just want to know one thing!

 Who wins?

None of the demons thought that Xia Muyang would be so strong and be able to fight to such an extent with the ‘god’ in their hearts, Demon Emperor Zheng!

 This has never happened since the birth of the Demon Emperor!

 There is no room for two tigers in one mountain! Let alone an entire continent!

 The victory or defeat of the two of them completely determines the victory of this war!

“This Natsume Yang actually has such strength, it’s incredible, this guy’s strength is simply amazing!” Demon King Garo thought in his heart!

 He was extremely frightened!

 He finally understood why the Golden Demon King and the Silver Demon King died one after another!

 It’s because of his existence!

 And somewhere far away on this continent!


In a certain big pit, a proud laughter that made the world change color suddenly came from!

The sound is like thunder, constantly exploding in the air, with waves of sound!

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