Moreover, about a quarter of an hour later, Zhou Kaicheng and the others had treated an average of four or five monks each.

 At Kanyue Qianxia, ​​she is still stuck with the person she was at the beginning!

Zhou Kaicheng frowned when he saw this. He said to Xia Muyang without raising his head: "Your Excellency Xia Muyang, I have given you some face, but I believe you can see the effect!"

“This is not me gossiping, but Miss Qianxia’s skills are indeed not up to standard, so please ask him to leave!”

"This is not a place for her. Don't delay the treatment of the injured because of her. You can't make fun of human life!"

“I have never heard of her kind of treatment method. Such a childish method may not solve the problem!”

Zhou Kaicheng's words were quite rude, and he didn't even intend to give Xia Muyang face!

“Hehehe, is that right? Pharmacist Zhou, why don’t you take a look again!”

Hearing Zhou Kaicheng’s rude words, Xia Muyang was not angry and said!

“What else do you need to see? It’s been so long without any effect. Is it possible that some miracle will happen...”

Zhou Kaicheng spoke very impatiently, but before he finished speaking, he heard a slight groan/moan.

Unexpectedly, the monk who was treated by Guanyue Qianxia actually woke up!

Moreover, compared to their approach of just providing potions and leaving the rest to the monks themselves, Kanyue Qianxia’s treatment seems to be much more effective!

 Because the monk who was treated by Kanyue Qianxia has recovered!

 From being seriously injured and comatose to recovering and waking up, it only takes a quarter of an hour!

 The efficiency is indeed a bit slower, but the effect is much better!

“Zhou Yaoshi, what do you think? My Qianxia’s method shouldn’t be child’s play, right? The skills should be at home!”

Xia Muyang smiled when he saw this, and slowly he started to show off proudly!

 “So what if you recover, it’s all in vain if you can’t improve your efficiency!”

I don’t know who said this, with a disapproving tone!

“Yes, what we need now is efficiency, time waits for no one!”

"If we let her come for treatment, I'm afraid the enemies will come to attack us, but she only saved one or two! What's the use? We don't have so much time!"

“That’s right, efficiency is the most important thing!”

 A crowd immediately echoed in a low voice!

“Is it because your efficiency has been improved and you have nothing to say? Are you willing to accept my existence and can you recognize me?”

Kan Yue Qianxia, ​​who had been silent all the time, said!

 “So what, but can you do it?”

Someone said, his voice was not loud, but full of contempt!

“Okay, let’s take a gamble!”

“If I improve my efficiency, you must all cooperate with me. Otherwise, how about I withdraw and never interfere again!”

 Kanyue Qianxia turned directly to the person who just spoke and said!

 “Okay, no problem, I agree!”

 Another voice came, very crisp and even a little joyful!

"Let you know our true abilities. We alchemists are not in vain!"

 There was a chorus of agreement, and no one flinched at all!

 It seems that they really want Kanyue Qianxia, ​​an outlier, to leave! He also doesn’t recognize Kanyue Qianxia’s ability!

 “Then it’s such a happy decision!”

Kuanyue Qianxia suddenly showed a smile as if she had succeeded in her conspiracy. Her smile was as treacherous as that of a fox. This made Zhou Kaicheng couldn't help but feel a slight thump in his heart!

 “Why do I suddenly have an unknown premonition!”

Looking at the smile on Kanyue Qianxia’s face, Zhou Kaicheng felt like he had been cheated!

 “Let’s get started! Fellow alchemists!”

 Kanyue Qianxia looked at Zhou Kaicheng and others and said!

 “The secret art of Flying Needle Palm Immortal Art!”

  A large amount of spiritual energy suddenly emerged from Kanyue Qianxia's body, and then turned into a long needle.

 Then, Kanyue Qianxia’s eyes suddenly lit up, as if she could see through everything!


He heard him yell loudly, and with a wave of his hand, the flying needles suddenly pierced the chests of the five monks like a rainstorm!

 The number, location, and even depth of the flying needles on each monk's body are different!

In an instant, a strong vitality burst out, and streams of pure life energy gathered from all around!


 Suddenly, the unconscious ones who were listening made a sound. They were slightly in pain at first, and then they became extremely enjoyable!

 “Life energy! How is that possible!”

 Looking at the energy coming together, full of vitality, Zhou Kaicheng could no longer hold the medicine bottle in his hand!

This is really amazing. Gathering life energy is the lifelong dream of all alchemists!

  Even Zhou Kaicheng himself, after working hard for so long, has never achieved this!

But now, Kanyue Qianxia has done this so easily. This is too terrifying!

 “How on earth did he do it? It’s amazing!”

Zhou Kaicheng looked at Guanyue Qianxia who was like a goddess of life, and couldn't help but said in horror!

But Kanyue Qianxia naturally ignored him. The seals in her hands kept changing, and different fluctuations continued to spread around her!

 And the conditions of those people who were healed by her are constantly getting better!

 The speed is faster than that of Zhou Kaicheng and the others, and it is even more efficient!


Within a minute and a half, Kanyue Qianxia shouted, all the long needles suddenly disappeared, and the life energy dispersed.

 Then, the monk who was treated by her suddenly opened his eyes, and then stood up with a confused look on his face!

 His injury is almost healed!

“All my injuries are healed, this is amazing!”

“Zhou Kaicheng, alchemist, you are really amazing. Your skills have improved again. This is really a blessing for our alliance!”

“Zhou Kaicheng, alchemist, thank you very much for your hard work. Thank you so much for your hard work!”

If it were before, Zhou Kaicheng would have been very happy and joyful when he heard this!

 But now, he just wants to say, how frustrating it is!

The words of these monks were like slaps on his face one by one!

This is simply a slap in the face!

 Actually, it’s not just Zhou Kaicheng who feels this way, others do too!

 “How is this possible!”

The alchemist who was the first to decisively agree to the bet with Kanyue Qianxia looked at Kanyue Qianxia in horror, with a look of unwillingness to believe it!

According to his idea, the final result should be that he arrogantly gives Kanyue Qianxia a show of strength.

 Then he arrogantly drove away Kanyue Qianxia, ​​allowing their alchemist to earn face!

How could it be that when it was actually implemented, the situation suddenly changed! Kanzuki Qianxia's performance was so dazzling that it made them worthless!

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