Wang Gu shook his finger and said: "What a pity, the fact is exactly the opposite. The arrival of the powerful monk is not your hope! It is your despair!"

“So, everyone! Let me help you recall the horror of being dominated by demons in those years!”

After finishing speaking, Wang Gu grabbed his hand and shouted: "Belong to the Golden Demon King, attack!"


 The subordinates behind him immediately liberated their bodies.

The demon clan, each standing more than ten feet tall, rushed towards the city with neat and powerful steps!

As for the Golden Demon King, after giving the order to attack, his whole body shone brightly like a ray of light!

Then, a terrifying scorching heat burst out, and the Golden Demon King punched out, turning into a huge fire fist and attacking!

“Be careful and defend quickly. It is a combat skill evolved from the Golden Demon King’s Golden Crow Hao Sun Jue. It has the ability to burn the sky and boil the sea!”

 (Combat skills: the general name for various skills released by monks in Baoling Continent! They complement each other with skills!)

The knowledgeable monk quickly asked someone to activate the defensive formation. Suddenly, a huge defensive shield enveloped the entire city!


This punch has the power of a star explosion and the temperature of the center of the bright sun. The entire defensive shield is vibrating violently.

Then, there was a cracking sound!

"How is it possible? You can't even hold up the defensive shield!"

This phenomenon scared all the monks in the city!

That is the strongest defense they have been able to create so far. Even if the nine sect masters work together, it will take several breaths to break through!

 But this Golden Demon King actually shattered the aura defense with just one punch!

This is too scary! How powerful is he?

You must know that the nine sect leaders are all super strong men at the ninth level of the Firmament Realm!

“Hahaha, it seems that your turtle shell is not very hard! In that case, let me see how many punches this turtle shell can withstand!”

Wang Gu couldn't help but laugh when he saw that the aura defense was actually cracked by his punch!

 After all, when the demons invaded back then, he punched him, but was knocked away by the direct force of the shock!

 “What does it mean that the wind and water turn around, this is it!”

A deep sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Gu's mouth. Then, all the flames in the sky converged and turned into supreme power. He threw an even more powerful punch!


 This punch has the power to destroy the world!

 The aura defense exploded directly, and then, the monks on the city felt a terrifying wave approaching very quickly!

 Domineering and violent, it locked them tightly and was everywhere, as if the sky was directly pressing down on them. It was so heavy and vast!

 “How can it be so strong!”

The nine sect masters were all horrified, and they quickly launched their own attacks and left to confront him!




The attack of the nine sect masters exploded directly, and then they were knocked away with a bang!

Then, the city wall also exploded!

It was like God had wiped out a thousand-meter hole, the momentum was overwhelming!

 The sky is filled with monks who were blown away!

The space was distorted by their impact, leaving behind thick orbital cloud lines!

This is not over yet. After the terrifying wave touched the earth, there was a violent tremor in all directions, and then, something shocking happened!

Taking this city as the starting point, nearly a hundred miles in all directions were exploded!

 A series of terrifying cracks like abyss spread rapidly on Baoling Continent!

 At this moment, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, and the rivers flowed backwards!

 The end of the world, nothing more than that!


 “Destroy mankind today!”

Wang Gu looked coldly and gave the order coldly!

Thousands of years ago, their demon clan was the ruler of this Baoling Continent! Humans are nothing more than mutt dogs!

It's just that the human monks used tricks to completely seal their demons in the abyss, and they suffered all kinds of torture in the abyss!

Now, they will once again become the overlords of this continent and treat humans like mutts again!


 “Damn it!”

"don't want!"

Facing the attack of the Golden Demon King and his powerful subordinates, the record of the human monks was truly disastrous!

 Without the nine sect masters as vanguards to fight against, the remaining monks simply cannot fight against the Golden Demon King!

 There is absolutely no one who can stop him, not even once!

The third level of the sky realm! Kill it with one punch!

The fifth level of the sky realm, destroyed with one punch!

 Eighth level of the sky realm, destroyed with one punch!

 No monk can survive in the hands of the Golden Demon King for even a second!

 They were all killed in one blow, their souls were shattered and their souls were scattered!

 (After a monk reaches the Firmament Realm, he can cultivate an infant spirit in his Dantian!)

(The infant spirit can move freely without the monk's body. Even if the body is broken, as long as the infant spirit is still there, it can be reborn. But if the infant spirit is broken, it is really dead!)

Golden Demon King Gu Zhen can be said to be an unstoppable person who dominates among human monks!

 The entire city suddenly fell into an atmosphere of panic and fear!

As for the demon army, illuminated by the demonic light released by the Demon King Pillar, it became more and more courageous as it fought. There was a possibility that it was weakened due to excessive consumption!

  (Demon King Pillar: An exclusive item for each serial-numbered Demon King. It can release magic light, increase the attributes of his subordinates, and can also be used as the Demon King's last weapon, allowing him to temporarily have strength beyond his own!)

 (At the same time, it can also assimilate dead human monks and turn them into half-demon for their own use!)

"Golden Demon King, don't be complacent! The savior invited back by the origin of the world will definitely defeat you, defeat your demon clan, drive you back into the abyss, and restore the peace and stability of Baoling Continent!"

In the midst of the ruins, an eighth-level monk in the Sky Realm barely held himself up and let out an angry shout!

 But his tone!

"Hahaha, savior? Save you? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard!"

“He can’t even save himself, but you still think he can save you?”

“Stop your imagination, human monks, our demon clan’s preparations over the past few hundred years are not in vain!”

Wang Gu couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Not only did he not care at all, but he was full of ridicule and disdain!

“Counting the time, my demon clan’s hidden army, as well as the second demon king Silver Demon King, should have arrived at the origin of the world with their army by now!”

“Hmph, the lineup there is even stronger than here. I want to see how strong the savior brought back by the origin of the world is!”

"So what if he can break through the siege of the Silver Demon King? The Silver Demon King is here to collect his information this time! The main purpose is not to fight!"

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