The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1612: How about bringing in reinforcements?

 It’s no wonder they were so horrified, it was because it was all too unbelievable!

Even good guys like them who have lived for hundreds of years have never seen such a huge change in the world!

They really can't imagine what kind of terrifying existence can trigger such a terrifying change!

  Put aside their horror for now!

 In the center of Baoling Continent, there is a gray hall covered with dark red patterns!

 A man with a majestic face but very sinister eyes suddenly opened his eyes!

In an instant, demonic energy was billowing, stars were disillusioned, and his eyes were like a pair of black holes, able to absorb everything!

 “How is it possible! There is another controller in this world!”

“Moreover, the aura of this calamity thunder is actually stronger than when I broke through!”

"Who is this? After I have captured half of the energy of the world's origin, I should have monopolized the power of all monks to advance!"

“But who is this promotion controller who can be completely unaffected by me, and...”

 At this point, the man suddenly frowned and said, "Even I can't find out any information about this person!"

 “This is so powerful that even I can block it!”

 The man suddenly narrowed his eyes, his eyes filled with a cold air!

"No, this kind of existence must be destroyed, otherwise, it will inevitably affect the rule of my demon clan!"

 As soon as he thought of this, he stood up immediately!

In an instant, like a divine dragon turning over, a huge coercion descended on the entire continent!

 However, before he could leave, a silver figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

 This is a very handsome young man with silver hair, but the aura on his body is extremely powerful, and the space is distorted in front of him!

"Silver Demon King, what's going on? Is there anything important?"

 The man looked at the young man and asked majestically!

“Lord Demon Emperor, the ninth-power demon king stationed near the human monk’s territory and all his subordinates are all dead!”

“Not only that, but the Demon King Pillar, which represents the Demon King of Power, was also destroyed!”

As he spoke, he took out a ball that was cracked and ashes from his arms!

"What, the Demon King is dead? The Demon King Pillar is also broken???"

Hearing these words, this man, who is Xia Muyang’s ultimate enemy, the Demon Emperor, couldn’t help but be shocked!

He said: "Killing the Demon King is easy, but I can only destroy the thirty-six Demon King Pillars in a short time. Who has this strength? Is it the guy who is going through the tribulation?"

Hearing this, the Silver Demon King pondered for a while and said: "I think it should be him, or maybe the Li Demon King was killed by the Tribulation Thunder! The same goes for the Demon King Pillar!"

“Your Majesty should know how powerful the controller’s thunder is!”

"In that case, go check it out quickly! You must find out who that guy is! The existence of that guy is a big threat!" After hearing this, the Demon Emperor gave an order to the Silver Demon King!

 “Understood!” Silver Demon King responded and left!

“Suddenly such a powerful monk appeared. Could it be that the origin of the world has returned?”

The Demon Emperor suddenly seemed to think of something, and then the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was like this!

 “Origin of the world, are you finally back?”

Being able to block his discrimination with half of the origin of the world, only in the devil's wanting to come, only the origin of the world can do it!

 At this point, the corners of the Demon Emperor's mouth suddenly raised slightly and said: "However, you may be late when you come back. I will not let you take away this Baoling Continent!"

“After all, we have been recuperating our energy over the past few hundred years!”

“Now that we have a strong army and strong horses, we only rely on you human monks and the old, weak, sick and disabled!”

“Even if you find a savior, so what, you can’t resist our demon army!”

“Besides, there are always intrigues among human monks!”

“Hey, hey, I want to see how you, who are divided, can fight against my absolutely unified demon army!”

The Thirty-Six Demon Kings are the thirty-six generals under the Demon Emperor, and each of them is a strong man in the sky realm!

Each of them has a corresponding Demon King Pillar, guarding various parts of the continent, dividing the continent into thirty-six regions!

The fallen Demon King of Power and the young-looking Silver Demon King just now are all among the thirty-six Demon Kings!

 The strength between them is distinguished according to the serial number! The smaller the number, the stronger the strength!

Like the Ninth Power Demon King, it means that his strength ranks ninth among the thirty-six demon kings!

 And the Silver Demon King just now ranked second!

And the murder of the powerful Demon King in the Demon Emperor's mouth and the destruction of his Demon King Pillar happened a quarter of an hour ago!

 Let us go back to that time, a quarter of an hour ago!

The ninth-power demon king who was stationed near the last pure land of human monks was originally practicing!

However, he was awakened by Natsume Yang's terrifying thunder calamity, and his attention was attracted!

"How is it possible that there are such terrifying monks nearby? This is simply worse than the Demon Emperor!"

 The Demon King felt the powerful aura and was also frightened!

That terrifying aura made him feel like he was suffocating!

 This feeling was something he had only experienced when the Demon Emperor was going through a tribulation before!

“Such a powerful existence has appeared among human monks? Who could it be? Who among the nine major sects can have this strength?”

“Could it be that they intend to fight to the death and fail to break through by force?”

“But that shouldn’t be the case. All the promotion power in this Baoling Continent is in the hands of the Demon Emperor!”

“Unless his old man allows it, no one will be able to take that last step!”

The Demon King of Power is a little confused, so he doesn’t plan to continue thinking about it for the time being!

 He felt that it was better to go to the scene to see the situation first!

After understanding the situation, if it goes beyond his expectations, he will report it to the Demon Emperor and ask him to send troops to suppress it!

If he can solve it, it will be a great achievement for him!

 So, he set off!

 But, just when he was heading towards Natsume Yang!

 Xia Muyang's terrifying thunder disaster directly affected him!

Facing that thunder calamity, in front of all his subordinates, the Demon King of Power did not even have time to release his true form!

He was smashed into pieces by the terrifying thunderbolt, and he didn't even utter a superfluous cry for help!

 Subsequently, all the subordinates of King Li Mo also died in the thunder!

Not only that, the camp of the Demon King was also affected, and the Demon King Pillar representing the Demon King was also shattered by the thunder!

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