This power is like pouring an excessive amount of lead into every data in their bodies.

 Make them feel that even blinking is such a luxury!

This is true for the Royal Knights, let alone other Digimon!

 They all fell down under the pressure!

“Is this the strength to rule the top of the digital world? It’s really not bad!”

Xia Muyang stretched his body to his heart's content, opening his hands as if he wanted to embrace the whole world in his arms. He was so domineering, and all the light came to him at this moment!

 The sky he saw seemed to be afraid of his power, so much so that the clouds actually flowed with his movements!

 He was surrounded by a twisting wind, with an aura that shocked even the royal knights!

“You guys, you haven’t surrendered yet, do you still plan to continue the fight?”

Xia Muyang restrained part of his aura, just like the dragon, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked leisurely at the remaining royal knights present!


 “Surrender quickly, and if you continue to resist stubbornly, you won’t get any good results!”

"Do you think that you defeated remnants of the army will be a match for Lord Fallen Yama Dimon? Surrender quickly, this will spare your lives!"

After the holy beast army lost their momentum and suppressed them, they all stood up one after another and persuaded them to surrender in unison, with great momentum!

 “You’re dreaming!”

 “We have only one master, and that is the Master of the World!”

"Surrender to you? You are worthy of the fallen Yama Emperor Beast!"

But their persuasion to surrender was sternly rejected by the royal knights!

 Just kidding, how could they, the Royal Knights, surrender to other forces!

 They are all eternal subordinates of the origin of the world!

“In this case, there is no need to keep you anymore!”

 "Blue Dragonmon, Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon! Miqiluohumon, I leave it to you!"

Xia Muyang glanced at them with cold eyes and said!

“I understand, Lord Yamadimon!”

 The Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon looked very excited after receiving the order!


Although Qinglongmon acted very calmly, the excitement in his eyes had already betrayed him!

After all, the opponent is a Royal Knight, and being able to kill the Royal Knight is a record that no ordinary Digimon can achieve!

 After all, the Royal Knights represent the top fighting group in the digital world!

 Before this, I had never heard of anyone being able to kill the Royal Knight!





 There is nothing to say!

 Azuromon and Seraphimmon are the top masters in the Digital World.

Ten of them go up together, and the remaining nine royal knights, under the pressure of Natsume Yang's momentum, really can't necessarily gain an advantage!

What's more, the twelve zodiac Digimon, BattleGreymon, Steel Garuru, and the six demon kings and nine angels are not just freeloaders!

They go together, not to mention Natsume Yang suppressing them with his momentum, even if he doesn't suppress them, they Royal Knights may not be their opponents!

Moreover, not to mention that among them, Omegamon was still being stared at closely by Natsume Yang and was unable to take action at all!

Only eight royal knights can really fight!

 Before today, the Royal Knights were perhaps a group that all Digimon needed to look up to!

 But today, Natsume Yang personally pulled them off the altar!

So what about the Royal Knights? In the face of absolute strength, they must succumb and die!

 “You bastard, you have the guts to fight one-on-one! How can you be a good man when we besiege them together!”

“Damn it, you guys, you **** me off!”

"I must let you know how powerful I am. Don't think that we royal knights are easy to bully!"

 All the members of the Royal Knights couldn't help roaring!

"Omegamon, you traitor, if you didn't quit, how could we have become like this!"

 “The Origin of the World will not let you go, you guy is dead!”

Some royal knights roared directly at Omegamon!

That’s right, there is indeed nothing wrong with them saying this!

If Omegamon had participated, they would indeed not have ended up like this!

 But of course!

 It’s definitely not much better!

 After all, they have too many enemies!

Even if Omegamon joins in, the situation will not be much better!

 The final result will still end in failure!

 And somewhere far away!

“Omegamon, you dare to betray me, very good, I won’t let you go easily!”

 The origin of the world looked at everything, and his eyes suddenly turned sinister!

 “The Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, let me let you be proud for the time being!”

“I want to see what your expression will be like when you are stabbed to death by the Nine Heavens Xuannv Beast!”

 “Surprised? Shocked? Angry? Hahaha, it’s really interesting just thinking about it!”

 The origin of the world looked at everything that happened in front of him, grinning with an extremely cold smile and said!

"As long as Enchimon dies, I can break your digital imprint and change the data of Digimon in the entire world!"

“By then, I will have an army that can fight hundreds of battles in a blink of an eye. Hey, they will definitely be very exciting when they fight! I’m looking forward to it!”

The Origin of the World itself has no actual combat power, but he has the ability to manipulate most Digimon data!

 So, even if he has no fighting power, it does not affect him from becoming the strongest being in the Digital World!

  But for those Digimon who have territories and whose digital data is superior, he cannot control them!

Lightmon, Natsume Yang, and the previous Blue Dragonmon were all like this!

 But now, because of Natsume Yang’s existence, and because of Natsume Yang’s digital data, it occupies the entire First Holy Beast Continent.

 So, it is difficult for him to control all the Digimon on this continent!

 But as long as Natsume Yang dies, this problem will disappear!

 So, now the origin of the world is waiting for Natsume Yang to be assassinated by him, and then he can restore order to the entire digital world!

 And in the world of prisoners of delicious food!

 “Hey, the final moment is coming, I’m really a little excited for no reason!”

Natsume Yang looked at everything that happened on the battlefield, his eyes filled with excitement!

 “Hehe, the last mission is about to be revealed!”

“However, my clone is really miserable. Its only role is to cooperate with you to complete the mission! And it is used as a tool by the origin of the world!”

 Kanyue Qianxia said feeling a little unhappy for no reason!

Looking at Kanyue Qianxia’s angry expression, Xia Muyang couldn’t help but feel that he looked a little cute, so...

 He came straight to Kanyue Qianxia and provoked her pretty face like a robber.

 Then, he met her eyes extremely close, with a trace of teasing and mischief flashing in his eyes. Guan Yue Qianxia couldn't help but feel a little panicked, and directly blocked her delicate lips!

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