After all, Natsume Yang asked the system that even his light of evolution could not allow Mechanical Greymon and Orc Garuru to have more than 20,000 evolution values ​​directly after evolving into the ultimate form!

 Only with divine power!

 This is the bug power given to them both by the digital world!

 After all, these two saved the Digital World a long, long time ago!

 At that time, not even the origin of the world was born!

 “Then, you are the only ones left now!”

 Xia Muyang looked at the weak Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon and Celestial Beast!

 “Light of evolution!”

 He raised his hand and shot out two evolutionary lights, injecting them into the bodies of the Six-Winged Fallen Angel Beast and the Celestial Beast, allowing them to instantly regain their strength!

 And, the next moment!

 “Super evolution of Celestial Beast…Nine Heaven Xuannvmon!”

The Celestial Beast was directly driven by the powerful energy pouring into its body to evolve into a complete body!

 “You guys, follow me and kill!”

Natsume Yang shouted loudly, causing the army of holy beasts who were still in a state of shock to respond loudly in an instant, and then continued to attack!

 “Asshole, Fallen Hell Emperormon, don’t think that if you create two ultimates, you can be the opponent of Ultradramon and the others. They have experienced hundreds of battles...”

In this scene of the Light Beast Boss, they just want to tout the strength of the Demon Dragon Beast, and degrade the fighting tyrannosaurus and steel Garu Lu to soothe the army!


 But, the next moment, Ultimate Demondramon was blasted away by the claw of BattleGreymon!

 “Hahaha, you have experienced many battles...are you just such a weakling?”

 Seeing this scene, Xia Muyang couldn't help laughing and mockingly!


Being hit in the face so hard once, Lucemon's lungs almost exploded with anger. He roared and rushed towards Natsume Yang!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

But Lucemon was not able to do anything to Natsume Yang before, how could it possibly do anything to Natsume Yang now that he was so angry and heartbroken? Instead, he was scratched several times by Natsume Yang!

 “Asshole!! Why do you have so many preparations!” Lucemon roared angrily!

He originally thought that he had hidden two ultimate bodies. As long as they showed up, the outcome of this war would be determined!

 But why was Natsume Yang also prepared to let the two perfect bodies evolve into the ultimate body right on the spot!

 What kind of terrifying ability is this? It is impossible for him to do such a thing!

"What's the matter, Lucemon, are you anxious? Don't be anxious, come and have a good fight with me, or you can surrender!" Xia Muyang said rude words!

But he said in his heart: "On the one hand, I am traveling to remove the hidden thread buried by the origin of the world. On the other hand, I am also selecting available people to deal with your invasion!"

"And this Mechanical Greymon and Orc Garuru were originally my backup, but unexpectedly they actually came in handy!"

To this, Natsume Yang can only say, be cautious!

 “You bastard, stop being so proud of me!”

 Natsumeyo’s rude words made Lucemon even more angry!

 And everywhere else!

 "Come on BattleGreymon!"

 “Come on Steel Garuru!”

“Hahaha, Lord Yamadimon is so mighty, this kind of miraculous gesture really boosts morale!”

Under the leadership of their respective captains, the armies of holy beasts still used optimized arrays, and with absolute confidence in victory, they frantically destroyed the army of the Kingdom of God!

 As for those assault teams, because Ultra Demondramon and Destroydramon were entangled, they once again exerted their due power.

 Suddenly, the army of the Kingdom of God was divided into more small groups, and created an increasingly intense atmosphere of despair!

 “Holy Light Sanctions!”

Six-winged Fallen Angelmon even hit the spear of holy light, forcing Barbamon to retreat!

"Hahaha, it's so happy, it's so happy. Sure enough, the battlefield is the most suitable place for me!"

Flash Fightermon is a war madman, and the spear in his hand is so powerful that it made his opponent, Fallen Hellmon (Beelzebumon) feel numb!

 Farther and further away, the four holy beasts!

“Why don’t you surrender? You don’t think you have a chance to turn defeat into victory!”

The white tiger beast roared, and flew away the archangel beast with one palm, and the tail whip severely whipped the flying staff angel beast away!

 “Cang Lei!”

 “Seventh heaven!”

 Azuredramon and Ultra Angelmon used their ultimate attacks directly against Go, and basically few Digimon dared to approach them.

The aftermath is so terrifying that it can easily wipe out a large number of mature Digimon!

 The entire battlefield was filled with the high-pitched sounds of Xia Muyang’s army of holy beasts!

 Their morale is extremely strong!

 Because, Natsume Yang has brought them miracles time and time again, giving them hope of victory!

Coupled with their own glory, plus the battle at the door of their hometown!

 They must have high morale and must win!





 The battle between Natsume Yang and Lucemon became more and more intense, but Lucemon also had more and more wounds because he was getting more and more impatient!

 As time goes by, the number of the Kingdom of God’s army under his command is becoming more and more equal to Natsume Yang’s army of holy beasts!

 When the number is greater than the army of holy beasts, it is not possible to form an advantage. But when the numbers are equal, wouldn't it mean that they will really be at a disadvantage?

At that time, morale was even lower!

“You bastard, it seems I have to use my last resort! Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, if you have the guts, come and try to defeat it!”

Light Beast roared again, he is going to use his powerful moves again!

 And far away, the origin of the world is here!

 “Where did this guy, the Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, come from?”

“It was actually possible to make two Digimon who could never become Ultimates evolve into Ultimates in an instant, and the evolution value exceeded 20,000!”

“What is the principle of this? When did the angel race have this ability? Why didn’t I know??”

The origin of the world feels that everything seems to be developing in a direction beyond his control!

 “No, how could it be beyond my control!”

"I am the **** of the entire Digital World, and all the Digimon are just pawns in my hands to please me! How can they be beyond my control!" The source of the world whispered ferociously!

“In that case, Fallen Hell Emperor Beast, let me show you how you will respond when you know there is a fire in your backyard!”

 The origin of the world's eyes flashed, and a terrifying light flashed through them!


"If you have any other tricks, just use them all! I will take them all at once!"

Hearing the words of the bright beast, Xia Muyang laughed with pride and no fear at all!


Just as Xia Muyang finished speaking, a cry of killing suddenly came from behind his army!

 The army of holy beasts couldn't help being startled and looked around quickly.

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