The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1566: The white tiger beast is under pressure

In sharp contrast to Holydramon and the others, Natsume Yang's army was naturally there. They cheered at the same time: "Long live Lord Yamadimon!"

 Morale reached its peak in an instant!

“If Blue Dragonmon loses, doesn’t that mean that White Tigermon will also be in danger!”

DiLionmon suddenly realized this and couldn't help being shocked!

Just when he thought about this matter, the cry of pain from the white tiger beast suddenly came over!

 “Is Lord White Tigermon going to be defeated by him?” Emperor Lionmon simply didn’t dare to think about it anymore!

Green Dragonmon's defeat had already reduced the morale of his soldiers to the bottom.

If the white tiger beast is defeated again, wouldn't it make the army of holy beasts despair?

DiLion Beast can no longer imagine such consequences!

White Tiger Beast is here!


White Tigermon was knocked away with a punch from Natsume Yang who suddenly appeared, and Queen Beemon was also saved because of Natsume Yang's sudden appearance!

“Yadimon, you’re here, does that mean Qinglongmon has been defeated by you?”

The white tiger beast stood up, looked at Natsume Yang solemnly, and asked!

“What do you think, if I appear here, could there be a second outcome?”

Xia Muyang smiled leisurely, but it suddenly caused huge pressure in the heart of the white tiger beast!

Green Dragon Beast is the strongest among their four holy beasts. If Azure Dragon Beast is defeated, then he will probably have the same result!

 “Then let me see your strength!”

The white tiger beast roared angrily, and instantly turned into a rolling sound wave that erupted, and the ground was directly lifted up and rolled up.

Hongbeemon, the king beast of the forest was immediately startled and quickly reminded: "Be careful, Lord Yamamon!"

 They know the power of this move very well! Just now, Queen Beemon was seriously injured by this move!

 “The roar of the tiger frightens all the beasts in the mountains and forests, and the king of beasts is well-deserved!”


Xia Muyang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "It has no effect on me!"

 “Devil’s blessing!”

 A transparent energy barrier protected himself, the Forest King, and the Queen Bee Beast!


This sound, which was enough to crack a mountain, hit the barrier heavily.

In an instant, it felt like the mountains were falling apart, and the sky was shaking!

The forest king beast couldn't help but groaned, and was hurt by the wave in the air!

 But nothing happened to Natsume Yang, as if the fluctuation did not exist.

Not only that, this violent sound did not even destroy his defense at all, it just caused a slight ripple in it!

Seeing this, the white tiger beast couldn't help but trembled in its heart and said: "It's really awesome!"

 “King Kong!”

 When he opened his mouth, he sprayed out a wave that looked like space distortion, and also made the sound of gold and iron, cracking through the air!

“Be careful, Lord Yamadimon, this is a move that can make the person immobilized and rusted. It is extremely powerful!” the forest king beast reminded him quickly!

 “That’s really terrible!”

Xia Muyang smiled when he heard this, and then he actually withdrew his defense and shouted: "The Emperor of Hell's Ice Eyes!"


The power of extreme cold gathered, and even the space was slightly frozen by him, and the fluctuations stopped like this!

White Tiger Beast felt like he was in a muddy swamp for an instant, and his movements were seriously hindered!

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