“Yadi Destruction Cannon!”

 But in such a sea of ​​thunder, Natsume Yang's voice came out again.

The next moment, an energy ray with the ability to penetrate all objects penetrated the sea of ​​thunder and rushed in front of the Azure Dragon Beast like light!


Even though the Blue Dragon Beast is huge, its movements are not slow at all, and it dodges very dexterously!

 “It’s not over yet, surrender to me, Azure Dragon Beast!”

Natsume Yang shouted loudly, he twisted his palms, and he swung the ray again, slashing towards the Azure Dragon Beast like a lightsaber!

“Do you want to fight for defense? Let me show you how strong my defense is!”

Facing this energy ray that seemed to be able to tear the heaven and earth apart and fall down, the Azure Dragon Beast actually did not dodge.

I saw him twisting his body, and thunder from the sky enveloped his body and shook him away!


The whole place was shattered by a shocking sound.

The sky was torn apart by Natsume Yang's blow, and the clouds were churning and rumbling like the end of the world!

 “Cang Lei!”

Green Dragonmon launched another attack, a densely compressed linear thunder and lightning that focused on Natsume Yang!

This thunder and lightning also has the ability to tear apart everything, which makes Natsume Yang feel terrified!


 “Break the mere thunder and lightning, the Emperor of Hell’s ice eyes!”

 The power of ice freezes the world and everything will be frozen!

 Even this thunder and lightning is no exception!


The thunder and lightning was actually frozen, and with a click, a forest of ice lines stretched up to the sky. How spectacular!

“It can actually freeze even lightning. It’s such a terrifying ability, but...”

Green Dragon Beast's eyes suddenly narrowed and said: "Then how should you respond to this blow!"

The whip tail of the green dragon beast that I saw had already circled behind Xia Muyang at some point, compressing the air, carrying the roaring sound of wind and thunder, and swept towards him at extremely high speed!

 “Cang Lei!”

Just as Natsume Yang was about to dodge, Qinglongmon spat out thunder and lightning again, spitting out a thunder net and wrapping it around Natsume Yang, leaving him with no place to hide and could only resist the whip tail attack!

 “Devil’s blessing!”

Natsume Yang immediately activated the defense of the extremely evil heart and turned it into a wall of light to protect himself!


There was a thunder on the ground, the earth trembled violently, and then exploded, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

 Hauntingly terrifying, like the end of the world is coming!

Of course, this terrifying momentum also spread to the battlefield where the Miqiluo Tiger Beast is located one kilometer away!

“Gulu, is this the strength of the Yama Emperor Beast and the Four Holy Beasts? It’s really terrifying. This is simply the power to destroy the heaven and the earth!”

“Just the aftermath made me despair, and I couldn’t even feel the slightest resistance!”

Mikirohumon and other Digimon looked in the direction of Natsume Yang, feeling the tremor like an earthquake, with shocked expressions on their faces!

“Yadimon is so strong! He can fight against Azure Dragonmon for so long without losing. What kind of monster is he?”

Saintdramon is so big that he could see the live battle between Azure Dragonmon and Natsume Yang and said with a shocked look on his face!

 In his impression, other than Yellowdramon, no other Digimon could fight Bluedramon for such a long time!

 Because when fighting Blue Dragon Beast, the winner is often decided in an instant!

“But I believe that the final winner will definitely be Lord Blue Dragonmon. No one can defeat Lord Blue Dragonmon except Yellow Dragonmon!”

 Saintdramon firmly believes in this in his heart!

 But will the reality really go as he wishes?

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