"Hide, where can you hide? Do you think you can hide from me..."

Seeing that the mechanical evil dragon beast retreated, Xia Muyang smiled and said in a solemn tone: "There is only one way back for you, and that is death!"

 “The Emperor of Hell’s Ice Eyes!”

 The endless freezing power spurted out and entangled the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast!


Mechanical Evildramon screamed in panic, but nothing could be changed...

 “Asshole, I won’t let you succeed!”

 Steel Seadramon immediately drank violently when he saw this, and began to gather energy in his mouth, trying to stop Natsume Yang!

"You won't let me succeed...Steel Seadramon, where do you get your confidence?"

 “Yadi Destruction Cannon!!”

 A thin line of energy, like light, directly penetrated the Steel Seadramon's head!

Then, as Natsume Yang's fingers moved, like a sharp long knife, he cut the Steel Seadramon in half!


 Steel Seadramon never thought that the final result would be like this! Before dying, scream loudly!

“Mechanical Evildramon, in the end, it’s you!”

Looking at the fearful, panicked Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast in its eyes, Natsume Yang smiled!

 (Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast: The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, ultimate body, mechanical type, evolution value 3000, special skill: infinite cannon!)


 Natsume Yang fiercely charged forward and tore the chest of the Mechanical Evildramon. The last of the Four Dark Kings died!

 “You guys, do you still want to continue to resist?”

Xia Muyang's whole body roared with energy, like an emperor, with supreme majesty!


 “Surrender quickly!”

The surrounding Digimon immediately shouted loudly. All the Four Dark Kings have been killed, and the rest of the army no longer poses much of a threat to them!

“Ding! You killed Steel Seadramon, the evolution value is +3800, Digizoid fragments*15, Digital Crystal fragments*10, Light of Evolution*30!”

“Ding! You killed the Mechanical Evil Dragon! Evolution value +4200, Digizoid fragments*15, Digicrystal fragments*15, Light of Evolution*25!”


 “Surrender, we surrender!”

The situation is almost one-sided towards Natsume Yang, and the army of the Four Dark Kings will certainly not be able to see the situation clearly!

“Ding! The host has obtained the surrender of 20,000 troops. Should you immediately use the system to baptize them and transform them into ‘loyal men’?”

The system prompt sounded immediately, and Natsume Yang didn't hesitate at all!

 He glowed instantly, and then illuminated the entire battlefield. All the Digimon instantly seemed to have been brainwashed, and they felt loyal to Natsume Yang in their hearts!

“Host, please note that the loyalty of all your subordinates to you depends on your performance! If your performance is poor, the loyalty will also be reduced!”

“The host performed extremely well in this rescue alone, and thus received more loyalty than ever before!”

“Soldiers who had lost their loyalty to the host due to despair have also increased their loyalty again. The host please continue to maintain it!”

The system prompt made Natsume Yang sigh, "It seems that it is not that easy to unify the digital world!"

“But it’s not too late. Now that I have all the people, it’s time to look for traces of Qianxia!”

Xia Muyang has been busy for so long, why should he establish such a big power? It’s not because it’s easy to do things because of the power!

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