The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1553: The Clown King was also panicked

“Asshole, don’t think you can kill us so easily, just give me a shot!”

Steel Seadramon shouted violently, with a fierce expression, and the panic in his voice could not be concealed at all!

"Go together!"

The Clown King looked at the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast, turned into a phantom and rushed towards Natsume Yang, and flew out the 'Ace Flying Sword' like lightning!


 The Ace Flying Sword may be very strong against other Digimon!

However, for Xia Muyang, it was not satisfactory. He punched out and directly knocked the flying sword away!

 “Clown King, you are next!”

Xia Muyang’s eyes suddenly lit up again. The Clown Emperor felt his scalp numb for a while. He gritted his teeth and quickly avoided it, but...

 “Hide, where can you hide?”

Xia Muyang suddenly rushed over, with a violent energy gathered in his hand, which was the ‘Yadi Destruction Bomb’!

 “Destroy the Aurora!”

The Clown Emperor was horrified, and also shot a flash of light from his hand, heading towards Xia Muyang's chest, to stop Xia Muyang!

 However, Natsume Yang's reaction was beyond his expectation!

Faced with this devastating blow, Natsume Yang did not dodge at all and allowed the laser to hit his chest!


The Clown Emperor's soul trembled, and his eyes were suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes of horror. He was directly beaten into a sieve by this light cannon with terrifying and destructive power, and he was severely injured in an instant!


The laser fired by the Clown King exploded, completely enveloping Natsume Yang.

 However, before Steel Seadramon and Mechanical Evildramon could be happy, he rushed out again as if nothing was wrong!

"How can it be…"

 Seeing this scene, Steel Seadramon was immediately stunned!

That was the Clown King's strongest attack, and it actually couldn't hurt Natsume Yang at all. How powerful is Natsume Yang's defense?

You must know that even Mechanical Evildramon, whose whole body is protected by Digizoid armor, would not dare to take the blow from the Clown King, and would be killed!

 But Natsume Yang's behavior... is completely contrary to nature and cannot be explained by common sense!

“Clown King, fear me, panic, come on, use your full strength to please me!”

Xia Muyang shouted angrily, his robes were hunting, his long hair was flying, and violent energy particles surged around his body, making him look like a **** of war, timid before he even started fighting!

“Stop being so arrogant. How can I, the Clown Emperor, lose to you? Steel Seadramon and Mechanical Evildramon have not taken action yet. Do you think they will all die in his hands?”

 The Clown Emperor must admit that he panicked when faced with such a terrifying Natsume Yang!

He didn’t expect that even the Apocalypse Beast would be killed by Natsume Yang!

 “The ultimate wave breaker!”

 “Infinite cannons…”

Steel Seadramon and Mechanical Evildramon were awakened by the Clown King and attacked quickly!


 “It’s too slow, it’s really too slow!”

Xia Muyang actually tilted his head and turned around, dodging their special moves!

 How powerful is agility…

 “Die, clown magic!”

While Xia Muyang was hiding, the Clown Emperor had already approached, and he opened the white cloth to turn Xia Muyang into a puppet!

 “Be careful, Lord Yamadimon!”

Miqiluohumon, who was well aware of the power of this attack, couldn't help but warn in panic!

 Natsume Yang was about to evade, but the Clown Emperor shouted again: "Masked Plaza!"

 (Masked Square: The Clown King can attack and teleport his skills anywhere at will!)

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