“Pray, beg, you weaklings, let me see if the Yama in your mouth will come to save you!”

"Hahaha, he can't escape now, how can he save you! You are already finished, surrender is your only choice!"

 Steel Seadramon also knows how to create panic and cause civil strife, making more and more Digimon look more and more desperate!

 “Ace Flying Sword!”

 “Clown magic!”

 Finally, Andiromon and Anrodramon, after rejecting the Clown King, were instantly killed and then turned into dolls!

"Is it true that God is going to destroy us, Yama Dimon? Oh my god, open your eyes, Yama Dimon, please, please come out quickly and save us!"

“Lord Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon, hurry up and rescue me. Are you going to let these evil guys occupy Hyokui City?”

 Some Digimon looked up to the sky and screamed, hoping that Natsume Yang would appear soon to save them!

 “Hahaha, it’s already this time and you are still daydreaming here”

"Let me tell you, it doesn't matter even if you don't surrender! Your border should have been in war at this moment!"

“The leaders of your Yama Beast army are all in trouble now. If you want them to save you, go ahead and dream!”

Steel Seadramon struck another whip tail, sweeping away a large number of Digimon!

 “The ultimate wave breaker!”

 He shot out another strong light cannon! Another Digimon collapse!





The proud laughter of the invaders like the Steel Sea Dragon Beasts is in sharp contrast to the screams and despair of the Ice Emperor City's resisters!

“Can we really hold on to the Ice Emperor City?”

 “Is Lord Yama Dimon really trapped too?”

“Is there really only one way for us to die and not to surrender?”

 As long as the thought of surrender emerges just a little bit, it will grow like a sprouting seed!

Many Digimon felt helpless when they saw the Digimon being massacred without any resistance at the hands of Steel Seadramon and the Clown King.

 And more and more intense fear and hesitation!


Suddenly, a scream came, and the mechanical evil dragon beast that he saw actually tore off the arm of an evil dragon beast.

 Then, he treated him like a toy and started to disembowel him and study it!

The screams of Evildramon were directly transmitted into the souls of every Digimon, making the fear in their hearts deeper and deeper!



 “Jie Jie Jie!”

Following the same pattern, the men of Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast also did the same thing!

 Suddenly, the already desperate scene turned into a hell!

  I don’t know how many Digimon fell into endless pain and despair in an instant!

“Master Yan Dimon, please... show up quickly... we... believe you..."

An armored invincible dragon beast said this intermittently before it died, but before it could be finished, it was torn in half!


 “Damn it!”

 “Damn it!”

This scene has aroused the anger and violent shouts of many Digimon, but their anger is destined to become the anger of the incompetent!

 After all, this doesn’t solve anything!

 Moreover, they themselves cannot protect themselves!

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