The western region of the Holy Beast Continent, somewhere!

 “Counting the time, the war should be in full swing by now!”

“I just don’t know if you will collapse when you know the truth!”

“I have so many subordinates who are good at fighting, do you think I would be stupid enough to scatter them all?”

Xia Muyang said with a smile on his lips, "I won't do such a thing of digging my own grave!"

 When he first integrated his forces, he had already thought about the possibility of today's situation!

 So, in a very high-profile manner, six armies were dispatched to guard one side respectively to attract attention!

 But in fact, there are only three places that really need to be guarded!

Flar Town where Shiningdramon and Vajramon are located!

 The town of Norwin where the Forest King Beast and Queen Bee Beast are located!

 And the town of Katki guarded by the Flame Monarch!

He originally planned to use the Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon's troops for maneuverability, that is, to serve as a firefighter!

Wherever the battlefield is at a disadvantage, help that place!

 But after killing the Apocalypse Beast and roughly guessing the purpose of the Clown Emperor and others.

 Natsume Yang asked the Six-Winged Fallen Angel Beast to directly implement the "Sharp Knife Plan"!

Since the Clown Emperor and others can attack Natsume Yang's capital, then why can't Natsume Yang do the same!

 The so-called besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao is nothing more than hiding from the sky and crossing the sea!

“Now, let me see, Clown King, how good you are!”

“I wonder what your expressions will be like when you see me suddenly appearing in Ice Emperor City!”


 And the Ice Emperor City on the front line!

 “Flying sand and moving rocks!”

The Clown Emperor is so powerful that he managed to break through the city wall with his own strength and led an army into the Ice Emperor City!

 Everywhere he passed were fallen Digimon!

“Damn it! How could this guy be so strong? He actually killed the Miqi Luo Tiger Beast and Zhendaro Chicken Beast in an instant!”

Angerdramon looked at the grinning Clown King with an extremely solemn face. For the first time, he felt that this Digimon, which was no bigger than one of his arms, was so terrifying!

Just now, facing the Clown King, Miqiluohumon and Zhendarochimon were unable to defeat him even if they joined forces. Instead, they were turned into dolls by the clown emperor with his "Clown Magic"!

 “Clown magic!”

 The Clown King is like an evil devil.

Facing a group of Digimon attacking him, he threw a piece of white cloth, magnified it ineffectively, and then covered it up like this!

 All the attacks were unable to tear this piece of cloth apart!

After all the Digimon within the range of the white cloth were enveloped, a white light flashed and turned into a string of dolls, hung by the Clown King on his waist!

“Jie Jie Jie, surrender, you guys don’t have to fight fearlessly anymore, you can’t win over our Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness!”

 “Clear the fire bombs!”

The puppet beast swung the hammer in his hand and swung out a light bullet like Natsume Yang's 'Yen Emperor Destruction Bomb', killing several perfect bodies in an instant, and there was still a period of maturity!

 “The ultimate wave breaker!”

Steel Seadramon relies on its huge body to move back and forth in the army, and fires energy cannons that can destroy everything!

 “Infinite cannons!”

Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast is even more terrifying!

 He squatted there and allowed the Digimon to attack, but no one could break his defense, and instead they were all killed by him!

 Even the Zhaodu Luo Dog Beast fighting with him had a hard time breaking through his defense.

On the contrary, he was repulsed repeatedly, and there was nothing he could do about his massacre of his men!

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