“Hmph, stop daydreaming, Lord Yama will not be knocked down so easily!”

 “Don’t think that Lord Yama is easy to mess with, he is a **** of hundreds of battles!”

  “A mere Cherubimon is nothing more than the soul of Yamadimon’s subordinates!”

The forest king beast roared. He firmly believed that Natsume Yang was the most powerful. This was the only motivation to support him in resisting until now!

  After all, along the way, Natsume Yang defeated countless enemies with stronger evolutionary values ​​than him, creating one legend after another!

 Starting from scratch, in just one month, he has created what he is today!

This would be unimaginable for any Digimon!

 “Yes, Endemon-sama is undefeated, no Digimon can defeat him!”

The armies of the forest king beast also responded one after another, and the sound shook the world!

“Hahaha, are you daydreaming? Then you should let your Yama Dimon come out and let me have a look!”

“Who can’t talk big words? I can also say that I can unify the world!”

Miqi Luohu Beast laughed, and then asked with great disdain and pride!

“Well, since you have made such a sincere request, I will reluctantly agree to it!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the battlefield, causing both sides of the war to look over!

 Just then, a digimon with a majestic face and an alloy armor appeared in their sight!

 He has a body like Shura, all dark red!

The eyes were like blood gems, and there seemed to be endless killing inside them. The Miqiluohu beast couldn't help but take several steps back in shock!

What is even more shocking is that wherever he passed, the air retreated, and the sky trembled slightly, rumbling slightly!


 There was a heavy aura like a sea pouring down, oppressing the entire battlefield, making all the Digimon change their expressions in horror!

 “How could it be so strong!”

 Miqi Luohu Beast was shocked!

He has only sensed this aura in the bodies of the Four Holy Beasts, Ultimate Angelmon, and Lightmon!

And now, this Digimon that suddenly appeared also has this aura!

 Mi Qi Luo Hu Beast's heart almost fell to the bottom in an instant!

 He has already guessed the identity of this Digimon!

 But it was precisely because he knew the identity of this Digimon that he was even more frightened!

 “Master Yan Dimon, you are finally here!”

The forest king beast couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and his voice was full of relief!

 “Long live Lord Yama!”

 And the army of more than 10,000 people cheered directly.

The original look of difficulty and confusion on his face was instantly replaced by surprise!

 “How did you break through the siege of the Cherubim...”

Miqi Luohu Beast suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked with a slightly trembling voice!

“Cherubim? Haha, he has been killed by me!”

Xia Muyang’s lips raised slightly, perhaps because he felt that he was not frightened enough. He continued: “Not only that, I have also included his team!”


After hearing this, Miqi Luohu Beast couldn't help but his body shook violently in shock, and he stepped back several steps!

 “The cherubim...was killed!”

Miqiluohumon looked at Natsume Yang not far in front of him, his head felt like it had been hit hard by a hammer, it was buzzing and stunned!

 “Surrender or die!”

Xia Muyang looked at the army behind the Miqiluo Tiger Beast and said calmly!

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