
 When he burst out with strength to struggle, he was shocked to find out!

This time, the freezing power actually froze him to the bone, as if even his soul was frozen!

 He immediately realized something was wrong and panicked!

 But Natsume Yang will not give him a chance!


 The terrifying rumbling sound was accompanied by ice crystals all over the sky and the broken body of the Cherubi beast!

 “Cherubim, I want your life!”

 Natsume Yang approached in an instant and pierced Cherubimon's Digicore with one claw!

 “You… are so… cunning… that you… deliberately… show weakness…”

Cherubimon was still trying to grab Natsume Yang's neck, but his vision suddenly blurred!

“Ding! You killed Cherubimon, the evolution value is +5000, the light of evolution*5, the digital sacred gold*20, and the angel feather*10!”

“You guys...surrender...or be killed!"

 Feng Chuanye turned around, looking at the entire Angel Kingdom army with a murderous smile on his face!


 “Surrender quickly!”

 “Surrender quickly!”

The Digimon behind Natsume Yang suddenly stepped forward when they saw this.

 Suddenly, the rolling majestic momentum overwhelmed him.

Like a majestic wave, with unimaginable terrifying pressure, it forced the army of the Kingdom of God back again!

 “You guys, if you don’t surrender, why don’t you want to continue fighting?”

 Six-winged Fallen Angelmon shouted again and took out several light spears in his hands, exuding a sharp aura!


All the armies of the Kingdom of God couldn't help but swallow their saliva together, and the eyes of many non-angel Digimon immediately flashed with excitement!

Who wants to die if you come out to fool around?

However, angel Digimon don’t think so!

 “Kill, kill them all for me!”

 “Come to me, for Lord Cherubim…”

 An eight-winged angel beast had a stubborn expression on his face as he directly gave the order to charge.

 But before he could finish his words, his chest was pierced directly!

 “Is there another one?”

The six-winged fallen angel beast looked at the fallen eight-winged angel beast and glanced at the army indifferently!

 “Kill!” Another paladin issued an attack order!

 “The Emperor Yan’s icy eyes exploded!”

The moment he finished speaking, the paladin exploded!

“What else, I advise you not to do anything stupid and live a good life!”

Xia Muyang glanced sideways at the entire army. No one dared to look at him wherever he looked!

 “Asshole, kill!”

The natural contradiction between angelic Digimon and demonic Digimon will not disappear because of fear!

With one call and a hundred responses, nearly ten thousand angel Digimon rushed towards Natsume Haru and Seraphimmon with the determination to die!


Xia Muyang couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this, and then pierced into the team like a sharp arrow!


Upon seeing this, the six-winged fallen angel beast immediately ordered its own army to attack too!

 Suddenly, this army of more than 20,000 Yamamons pounced on this army of Angel Digimon like hungry wolves!

 How much supplies they can get depends on them!

 In their eyes, these angelic Digimon are not enemies, they are just prey!



With Natsume Yo's current strength, it is impossible for any Digimon to stop him.

 Riding alone, he directly cut through the army of angelic Digimon and divided it into two large groups!

 "Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon, this team is left to you..."

Natsume Yang shouted at the Six-Winged Fallen Angel Beast, who immediately understood the meaning.

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