“Boom, boom, boom!”

That super-powerful missile cannon was actually stopped by Natsume Yang!


Seeing this scene, Holy Angelmon couldn't help but trembled. The super-powerful missile cannon was the weapon he researched to fight against the Ultimate...

 According to his opinion, Natsume Yang should not be able to resist such a shot!

 But now…

 "Am I, Holy Angelmon, going to follow in the footsteps of Bancho Knightmon?"

“No, it won’t happen. I still have 50,000 troops. I can still win..."

 Sacred Angelmon calmed down and shouted: "Intensify the firepower, we must hit Yamadimon hard!"

 He knows that now, he can only rely on this super-powerful guided missile cannon!

 He knew that those 50,000 troops could not stop the ultimate body of Natsume Yang!

“The most disappointing thing is that his subordinate is actually an Ultimate! But fortunately, he still has to fight against it!”

Holy Angelmon looked at the six-winged Fallen Angelmon that barely resisted the super-powerful missile cannon, and felt a rare sense of comfort in his heart...

 “Quick victory!”

Xia Muyang shouted to set the tone for this battle, and then his eyes suddenly lit up: "The Ice Eyes of Emperor Yan!"

Holy Angelmon felt a freezing force coming that made his soul tremble, and a group of Angelmons around him were also affected!


 They were instantly frozen into ice sculptures, and the Holy Angel Beast was horrified.

Without any thought, he unleashed all his strength immediately and managed to break free from the restraints on half of his body.

 However, before he could make any more unnecessary moves, Xia Muyang said coldly: "Explode!"


The terrifying power of the explosion, even with the strength of the Holy Angel Beast, was directly blown away a short distance!

 The entire city wall was suddenly empty! The superconducting cannon lost control of the Digimon, and immediately lost any suppressive power!

 "Yandi's destruction bomb! Destroy it for me!"

Natsume Yang immediately took action decisively and attacked directly towards the defensive shield!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

The shocking explosion carried a shocking power, and without the control of Holy Angelmon, the power of the defensive shield was greatly reduced, and it was broken like this!

 “Brothers, kill!”

Xia Muyang suddenly shouted loudly, and then rushed over at once, occupying the city wall forcefully!

Immediately, the six-winged fallen angel beast also climbed onto the city wall. Facing the attacking angel beasts, he showed a cold smile!

 “The light of the fallen world!”

With a move of his hands, he raised a dark ball of light, and then it illuminated the entire place!

This light has no offensive power, but a small part of all the angelic Digimon illuminated by the light turned into their fallen form in an instant!

 Fallen angels have the powerful ability to turn pure angels into fallen forms and take them into their own hands!

 The so-called light of the fallen world is exactly like this!

 “Listen to my order and kill!”

 Six-Winged Fallen Angelmon looked even more like a king than Natsume Yang at this moment.

 At his command, the angel who had just transformed into his fallen form turned around and charged towards the army of angel beasts that were charging towards him!

Sacred Angelmon couldn't help being horrified when he saw this scene, and quickly wanted to use the pure purifying light of an angel to purify the controlled Angelmon.

 He shouted: "I won't let you succeed, purify it..."

 But before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a bone-chilling crisis.

Suddenly Xia Muyang raised his hand and blasted a light bomb exuding destructive power towards him, causing him to retreat immediately in shock!

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