“If that’s the case, then let’s settle it!”

“Three heavenly angel beasts, as well as your twelve holy beasts, lead your elite soldiers and give me all your strength to annihilate this rebellion!”

“Especially those with relatively powerful forces, such as the Four Holy Beasts and the Yama Emperor Beast Legion! Also, the Holy Knight Beast, you are responsible for their material supplies!”

“The three middle angels continue to be responsible for comforting the governance matters of the Kingdom of God and implementing the governance policies of the Kingdom of God! They must ensure the internal stability of the Kingdom of God and reduce the burden on the generals who go on an expedition!”

Lucemon made the final decision and decided on a strategy to deal with the rebellion!

“In addition, recall Holy Angelmon and Archangelmon, and their army will be led by Ultimate Angelmon and you three superior angels!”

“Also, Heavenly Knightmon, you immediately go to the headquarters of the Kingdom of God to recruit troops. The resistance of this Holy Beast Continent may be more complicated than we imagined!”

 Lucemon made a series of decisions with clear thinking and correct penetration!

 “I will obey your Majesty’s wishes!”

 All the ministers who were ordered to retreat were ordered to retreat!

Lucemon glanced at the remaining Angel Digimon again and said, "You guys, start studying the form of rebellion immediately to provide a more powerful strategy for the army fighting on the front line!"

 “Get the order!”

A group of angelic Digimon who are not good at martial arts immediately started their own work!


 Let’s go back to Natsume Yang!

 “Congratulations to Lord Yan Dimon for taking over fifty-five more cities and expanding his sphere of influence five times more! He will be able to ascend to the position of rule just around the corner!”

Natsume Yang fought all the way. When he left, he only had a thousand Digimon. When he came back, he already led 20,000 troops!

Coupled with the soldiers and horses brought back by the Jade Rabbit Beast from the six routes, his power increased dramatically from 8,000 to 60,000 in an instant!

"Okay, you don't have to give me back the credit. It's all the result of everyone's joint efforts. I hope you can continue to fight bravely and achieve more outstanding achievements!"

 The first thing Natsume Yang did after getting 60,000 soldiers and horses was naturally to recruit them immediately!

 In addition, it is to select talents and promote those who are in charge!

 He divided his 60,000 troops into 600 squads! One hundred Digimon per team! Each team has a mature Digimon leader!

Ten teams are one man, and the leader is a complete body!

 Ten husbands are one leader, and the leader is the ultimate body!

 Natsume Yang is appointed as the general commander and leads the entire team!

 As for the six leaders, Jade Rabbitmon, the first Digimon to follow Natsume Yang, serves as the leader!

“Jade Rabbitmon, you have made great contributions in this battle. I will give you 100 Evolution Crystals, 5 Evolution Lights, and 100 Digizoid Shards!”

“Waspmon, you have pacified a lot of cities in this battle. I will give you evolution crystal*200, light of evolution*5, and sacred alloy fragments*100!”

"Mammoth beast, you have pacified many cities in this battle, I give you..."

"Zuli Beast, you will pacify the city in this battle..."

“Red flame beast, you can defeat this battle...”

 "Dragon Beast, this is your fight..."


 Natsume Yang publicly rewarded all the heroes of this battle, and the rewards were very generous. It was so exciting to see these newly collected Digimon!

 They have never seen a commander be so willing to reward him with things like evolution crystals and digizoid!

 In the previous period of Huanglongmon’s rule, these things were basically items on each notification layer!

Even if the reward is given, it cannot be as generous as this, which means that they can quickly become stronger and have more protection for their lives!

After obtaining the light of evolution and the evolution crystal, these six leaders all injected it into their bodies at the same time!

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