“The angels have all surrendered to the law, do you still want to continue to resist in vain?”

 Becoming the Ultimate Body, Natsume Yo finally grew into a Digimon with the height of an adult.

 The face is calm and intimidating, and the whole body is protected by strong armor!

Especially the extremely evil heart on the chest, there is a faint "Emperor" shining slightly, the aura is so strong, it commands the whole audience!

"If you continue to resist, don't blame me for being ruthless. With my current strength, killing you is really a trivial matter. You probably don't want to die!"

The army of the Kingdom of Angels, except for the core angel Digimon, the rest are basically Huanglongmon's original subordinates!

These people naturally don't want to die. It just so happens that all the angel Digimon are killed, so surrender immediately!

“Very good, you made the right choice... Jade Rabbit Beast, **** them all back to me, let’s digest them well!”

 Xia Muyang looked at his deputy and said!

 “Yes, Sir Natsume Yang!”

Jade Rabbit Beast responded and escorted the remaining four thousand captives back to the ruins with the other five captains!


After escorting the prisoners back, Xia Muyang immediately broke up and gathered the team, and then rewarded them based on their merits!

 The supplies obtained from the Staff Angelmon are completely enough for Natsume Yang to do this!

Of course, the most important thing is to give the six captains the light of evolution!

 “Thank you, Lord Yamadimon!”

When the evolution values ​​of these six captains increased to 5000 in an instant, Natsume Yang became more confident!

  He collected more than 4,000 people, plus the more than 3,000 people in his hand, he now has 8,000 people!

 Furthermore, the combat quality of these eight thousand people is even stronger than before!

Of course, among the captives, Natsume Yang trusted them very much and gave them the title of captain, and each led a team!

This made them so flattered that their surrender to Natsume Yang soared!

“Mammoth Beast, Evil Flame Beast, you each lead a thousand men and horses, and go to recover part of the land controlled by Staff Angel Beast!”

"Evil Dragon Beast, Zuli Beast, follow me to recover another part of the city!"

 What is the quickest way to get your subordinates to return home and establish your own authority? There is no doubt that it is war!


Mammoth Beast and the other six generals set off with a thousand men and horses each!

 And Natsume Yang also led a thousand people to set out to recover other cities!

"Jade Rabbit Beast, I will leave a thousand soldiers and horses for you to guard the ruins. I will leave my rear area to you!" Xia Muyang looked at the Jade Rabbit Beast and said!

  Jade Rabbitmon is still the best master besides Natsume Yang, with an evolution value as high as 7100!

 “Yes! Lord Yamadimon!”

Jade Rabbit Beast understands very well that this is a very important task!

 This means that Natsume Yang absolutely trusts him!

"let's go!"

Xia Muyang scolded Fang Qiu, and a group of 7,000 soldiers and horses set off!

 Time, four or five days have passed in the blink of an eye!

 The news of Natsume Yo's defeat of Staff Angelmon spread to farther and farther places through his battles!

And the ruling methods of the Kingdom of Angels, which has almost unified the First Continent (Holy Beast Continent), has also attracted dissatisfaction from most of the Digimon in the First Continent!

 Their ruling rules are: Angel Digimon are the first class, Holy Knights are the second class.

 The Holy Beast Digimon of the First Continent have a third-class status, and the rest are slaves/slaves at the lowest level. They must unconditionally obey the superior Digimon and take them life and death!

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