At this scene, the hearts of Ambermon and several other Digimon suddenly became unbalanced again!

 A burst of jealousy and hatred spread and deepened from their hearts, almost making them lose their minds and become crazy!

They roared in their hearts, **** beast, why do you have to be so good!

Even if you have such a dazzling record, why are you still so flattering! You are just a general who has just been promoted!

 Can you keep a low profile and give veterans like them a way to survive? After all, compared with the **** beasts, these veterans are simply useless and mediocre!

 But will they admit that they are mediocre? would not! They won't admit this fact!

 So, they have completely blacklisted Hell Beast (Natsume Yo) in their hearts!

  The existence of **** beasts has seriously affected their status and interests!

  If the **** beasts are not pushed out, they will probably be stepped on by the **** beasts and dominate them soon.

 So, they all started sharpening their knives, waiting for the **** beast to make a mistake!

 At that time, they will all request the punishment of the Hell Beast and put the Hell Beast into the cold palace completely!

"Hell beast, let you play for a while and see how we deal with you! Do you really think you can step on our heads! That is impossible! You are not worthy!"

Ambelamon's eyes were full of resentment and jealousy. As Hellmon's original boss, at this moment, he was eclipsed by Hellmon's glorious record!

Compared with the **** beast, he is simply weak, mediocre and pitiful!

This is definitely not what Umberamon wants to see!

 They will never allow anyone to break their previous balance!

If so, they will definitely join forces to defeat that Digimon!


 After entering the city!

At Natsume Yang's "well-intentioned" suggestion, Silver Lionmon first conducted a merit-based reward!

“Hell beast, you have done the most in this battle, I don’t know what reward you want!”

Silver Lionmon sat on the main seat with a big horse and a golden sword, looking at Natsume Yo (Hellmon) with a humble face below and asked!

“I don’t dare, it’s my duty to share the worries of Lord Silver Lion! I don’t dare to ask for a reward, but the loss of my men in this battle is quite serious, so...”

Natsume Yang glanced at Silverlion, who was so flattered by him, and said with lowered eyelids: "Please give me the opportunity to recruit Silverlion-sama from the generals! Let me do a better job for Silverlion-sama." Charge forward and make achievements!"

 Hearing Natsume Yang's request, Ambermon and the other generals suddenly felt a chill go down their backs.

Just when they were about to refuse together, the silver lion beast said: "Okay, it's rare that you have this awareness, I'm very satisfied!"

"Since you want to replenish your troops, I will satisfy you and give you this opportunity!"

“Besides, it’s rare that you win my heart so much, so I won’t treat you badly. I’ll give you three thousand digital materials. You must work harder for me in the future, do you understand?”

Silverlion agreed after thinking for a while, leaving no room for Amberemon and the others to refuse!

  "Grrrr!" Ambermon and the other old generals' faces turned dark, and their fists clenched loudly!

"Why, do you have any objections?" Hearing the sound of fist clenching, Silver Lion narrowed his eyes and said coldly!

 “Don’t dare!” Ambermon and other veteran generals couldn’t help but said in fear, hurriedly saying!

 “Humph, there is no best!”

Silverlion snorted, and his cold eyes swept over Dryamon and the others one by one, making Dryamon and the other Digimon break into sweat!

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