The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1485: Take advantage of the situation

 But will Natsume Yo be a master who does not fight back when provoked? Of course not!

“Generals, if you raise your head so high, you may trip on a stone and fall down!”

He reminded with a 'kindly' look on his face, which immediately made the entire Digimon in the gathering place burst into laughter!

"Tell me again, boy, you have just become a general and you dare to be so arrogant. Who do you think you are!" The other generals immediately shouted in a bad tone after hearing this.

"But am I wrong? I kindly remind you, but you still scold me. Is this how you behave as a senior?"

Natsume Yang pretended to be aggrieved and said, "You are really as pitiable as you want!"

"You!" When the generals were about to retort, Silver Lion suddenly interrupted them.

He said: "Okay, luckily you are still seniors and have no leading role at all, so stand down!"

Silver Lionmon looked at the generals with an unkind expression, and scolded them with great disappointment.

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, the generals couldn't help but retreat with unwilling expressions!

 But when they looked at Xia Muyang, their eyes suddenly became unkind.

Silver Lionmon looked at Natsume Yang again and warned: "You should also be careful. You dare to offend your colleagues just after becoming a general. Do you still want to do it?"

 “I know my mistake!”

  When it comes to giving up, no one can compare to Natsume Yang!

Well, facing such a sensible Natsume Yang, Silver Lionmon could only shake his head and did not blame him again!

 “Let’s break up and have a good rest!” Silver Lionmon disbanded the team!

“General, you are so awesome, you really let out a good sigh of relief!”

 After returning to camp, Natsume Yang, a mature black-eared beast with an evolution value of 239, said with a look of admiration!

“What’s this? This is just the first step. Huh, since they are going to deliberately give me a blow, then don’t blame me for treating them the same way as others!”

Xia Muyang looked at the generals with a cold smile on his lips and said!


Looking at the cold light in Xia Muyang's eyes, the armored black-eared beast couldn't help but shudder.

 He swore that he had never seen such a terrifying look on any general!

His eyes are as deep as stars, as cold as cold, and as sharp as sharp knives!

Just that one look made him feel surrendered involuntarily! Don't dare to resist at all!

 He knew that Natsume Yang was not as kind as he seemed!

“Ding! The host harvests the awe of his subordinates. Can you use the system’s capabilities to turn them into your loyal subordinates?”

The sound of the system suddenly sounded, and when Natsume Yang heard it, he naturally did not hesitate.

 With this operation of the system, he just saved a lot of effort! After all, it takes time to win people's hearts and establish prestige!

Xia Muyang's body suddenly glowed, covering all his men.

 Then, the subordinates I met who had not had much loyalty at first suddenly became full of loyalty to Natsume Yang!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title of ‘Initial Achievement’, please continue to work hard!”

“In addition, the reputation points you have accumulated in the past will give you extraordinary charm and make it easier to gain the loyalty of your subordinates!”

 The system's words made Natsume Yang startled again, "Is there such an operation? Okay, it is indeed a system, it is indeed excellent!"

 He suddenly felt even more excited about the mission in this digital world!

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