After everything was over, Natsume Yang called up his attribute panel!

Host: Ice Evil Ghost Beast

 Plane: Digimon

 Grade: Growth stage (87/100)

 Skills: Freezing Ray, Weakening Light Wave

 Category: Demons

“What is the value of 87/100? System!” Natsume Yang asked!

“Host, this is your evolution value, and at the same time, it is also a manifestation of your combat power!”

“The evolution values ​​from low to high are one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand!”

“Corresponds to the six combat power levels of digital life forms! Evolution can be completed when the corresponding values ​​are reached!” the system replied!

“Who is the strongest fighter in the world right now?” Natsume Yang continued to ask!

“The current highest evolution value in the world is Huanglongmon, the super-ultimate body, and the evolution value is 11,000!” The system answered!

“I see, System, what is my highest evolutionary category?” Natsume Yang asked again!

 “One hundred and fifty thousand!” The system gave a very short answer!

 “How to evolve?” Natsume Yang asked again!

System answer: "Kill other digital life forms, absorb their energy, or absorb the light of purification, evolve the power of the crystal, and evolve when it reaches the specified critical point!"

   Yang Natsume““How do I know the specific evolution value of my opponent? "

System: "The system can scan and analyze the data of all Digimon and display it to the host in the form of an attribute board!"


After Xia Muyang asked about related matters again, he probably had a certain understanding of his current situation!

The continent where Natsume Yang is located is called the Holy Beast Continent, also known as the First Continent. Various forces are present, and the largest force is ruled by the Yellow Dragon Beast!

 Bordering the first continent is the second continent, Angel Continent!

 The entire digital world is composed of the Holy Beast Continent and the Angel Continent. The rest of the world is in chaos, waiting to be developed!

And he is just a subordinate of Huanglongmon's younger brother, one of the four holy beasts, White Tigermon, a subordinate named Ambermon!

(Huanglongmon: Holy beast, super-ultimate body, the ruler of the largest power in the first continent, evolution value 11000! Cruel and moody by nature!)

(His special skills are "Tai Chi", which continuously breaks down everything in the digital world into the polar poles of light and darkness, and soon disappears into nothingness, and "Yellow Return", which causes a huge sand flow typhoon on the scale of a natural disaster!)

“Oh, it’s not my style to be someone else’s little brother as soon as I come here! No, I have to find a way to get away from these guys quickly!”

 Natsume Haru doesn’t want to hang out with Yellow Dragonmon. This guy goes around killing people every day, and he might be affected one day and be killed by a Digimon from another force!

“Besides, my goal is to become the Digital Emperor, how can I always be the younger brother!”

Just when Xia Muyang was thinking this, a long whip suddenly came over.


Natsume Yang/didn't react at all, he only felt a sharp pain coming over him, followed by a spin, and then he was violently kicked out!

"Ice evil ghost beast, you are so brave, you dare to be a deserter, why, you don't think the whip in my hand can kill you, do you?"

Natsume Yang looked closely, and saw that this was a beast-human Digimon from the beast branch!

 He was wearing sharp armor, holding a long whip in his hand, with fluttering mane, exuding a powerful aura of oppression!

Natsume Yang looked at his data: Ambermon, mature stage, evolution value: 300, the ultimate move is the flying whip of death!

  Yes, this beastman Digimon is Natsume Yang’s current superior, Ambermon!

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