Such a result, naturally made the four major corps, which were originally resentful, applaud and applaud, feeling extremely happy!

They don't have the slightest fondness for these people who are greedy for their salary. If they were not qualified enough, they would have killed them long ago!

“Natsumeyo-sama is still very courageous and will never tolerate this kind of thing!”

“This is Lord Natsume Yang. This familiar decisiveness and fierceness are really missed!”

  "Kill them well and let them be greedy for ink. It is clear that my ministers' salary is enough to make them rich and prosperous for a lifetime, but they still dare to take advantage of our salary!"


 The Kingdom of Yang, Daming Mansion!

“After all, he is the founder of the Kingdom of Yang, and everyone is an ant in his hands!”

“Even those powerful Minister of War and Minister of Finance, if Master Xia Muyang just says a word, they can only hold their hands and capture them without daring to resist at all!”

 Murata Shisuke looked at the new Minister of Finance and Minister of War, smiled and sighed!

Without the obstruction of the Minister of Finance and the Ministry of War, it will be much smoother for him to manage the Kingdom of Qiyang!


 Yangyin Village!

“Everything is almost over. Now that the world has returned to peace, it’s almost time for me to leave!”

“Xiao Ying, you must study more in the future and don’t slack off, do you understand? As the manager of Yang Country and the Yang Shadow Consultant of Yangyin Village, you have an extraordinary burden!”

"If you can't hold on, share some of the burden with Chi Yi and help each other to develop Yang Country and Yangyin Village better!"

Before setting off again, Natsume Yang looked at the reluctant Natsume Hotaru and said!

 “Xiaoying, mother and father are leaving soon, so you should take good care of yourself!”

“Also, you are now accompanied by Chi Yi, so don’t always think about bullying him. A good boy like Chi Yi is rare, so you must cherish it!”

“Also, you have been pampered by your father since you were a child, and now you are pampered by Chi Yi. In the future, don’t act too much, do you understand?”

Kan Yue Qianxia looked at Natsume Hotaru with half reluctance and half helplessness, and told her!

 “I know, I’m already in my twenties, I’m no longer a child!”

Natsume Hotaru pouted, looking unconvinced!

 “Hahaha, Qianxia, ​​your children will have their own blessings, don’t worry so much!”

 “Everyone in Yangyin Village, let’s go!”

Xia Muyang picked up Guanyue Qianxia, ​​jumped onto Bai Ling's back with fluttering clothes, and flew away in the wind.

 Then, he disappeared from the sight of all the Yang ninjas!

"so good!"

 Looking at the heartwarming scene of Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia going away, many people admired from the bottom of their hearts!

 Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia are truly an enviable couple!

 The captive world of gourmet food, in front of Natsume Yang’s own villa!

“Host, do you want to start the ‘Digimon’ world mission?”

As soon as Natsume Yang arrived in this world, the voice of the system came urging him!

“The mission of Digimon World is to find traces of Chinatsu. Can you tell me the specific situation?”

Regarding Kanyue Qianxia, ​​Natsume Yang had an extra thought and wanted to ask for more information!

“The host will go to the Digimon world with Kantsuki Chinatsu. After the mission starts, the host and Kantsuki Chinatsu will be separated!”

“And your mission, host, is to find traces of Kanyue Qianxia in the process of growing stronger!”

 “And establish a force to rule the world of Digimon, and then complete the final mission with Kantsuki Chinatsu: ‘Light into the soul’!”

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