What did they hear?

They are the three most outstanding members of the Otsutsuki clan in the past ten years, plus the most outstanding Otsutsuki Kaguya hundreds of years ago.

 Such a powerful lineup went to destroy a mere ninja world, but it actually failed?

How can it be!

It's like someone told them that they sent a few majestic lions to destroy a group of weak rabbits!

 But the final result was that the lion failed and the rabbit won! This is simply not realistic!

 “Chief, is that man back again?”

Some people thought of a name at once and asked in disbelief!

“Yes, that guy came back and killed Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and Ura Shiki Ōtsutsuki with absolute strength!”

“Not only that, his psychic beast and his wife also defeated Otsutsuki Toner and Otsutsuki Momoshiki with their absolute strength!”

The person who can sense the results of Otsutsuki Momoshiki and the others is the current clan leader of the Otsutsuki clan, Otsutsuki Isshin!

And the person in Otsutsuki Isshin's mouth refers to Natsume Yang!

“No way, when did Natsume Yang become so powerful? When he sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki, he only had a slight upper hand!”

"Now...defeat Kaguya and Urashiki at the same time? This...how is it possible! Then how strong is he now!" The person who said this is Elder Otsutsuki Zuo, Otsutsuki Shishiki!

He frowned and said: "Moreover, hasn't he completely disappeared from the ninja world? It was precisely because we were sure that he had left that we launched this war!"

"Why did he suddenly appear again? Could it be that he also has the ability to create space? Otherwise, how could we have missed him after searching for him for twelve times!"

Hearing these questions from Otsutsuki Shishi, Otsutsuki Isshin couldn't help but sigh.

He said: "If possible, I would also like to know! The reason why we launched this war is precisely because we are sure that he, Natsume Yang, is no longer in the ninja world!"

“But why did everything go smoothly, but at the last moment, Natsume Yang appeared again!”

"He also led the group of people from the ninja world to defeat our four generals with thunderous force and shattered our conspiracy!"

There was silence for a moment, and then, a middle-aged man banged the table hard!

 “Damn Natsume Yang, he will hinder our good deeds, don’t let me have a chance, see if I don’t tear him apart!”

 The person who said this was the elder You, Otsutsuki Hongshiki!

“Inform the clansmen to prepare for battle! That guy and his powerful psychic beast are here! Since Ura Shiki failed, let’s do it ourselves!”

Otsutsuki Isshin took a long breath, looked at the endless void with his silver eyes, as if he could see Natsume Yang through space, and said!

"What, that guy is here!" Everyone was shocked at first, and then suddenly became excited.

  "Hey, since he wants to seek his own death, then we will help him!"

“Indeed, we today are no longer the Otsutsuki clan that still needed to worry about his existence!”

"Look at how I will teach him a lesson later, Xia Muyang really thinks he is so great!"

 The eyes of all the senior executives were filled with bright lights.

 The reason why they didn't dare to cause trouble when Natsume Yang was still in the ninja world!

 It was because neither Otsutsuki Tonero nor Otsutsuki Ura Shiki's combat capabilities had grown up at that time! He doesn't have the ability to conquer the ninja world!

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