"I..." Boruto wanted to defend, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Hinata Hinashi!

 “You joined the war privately and did not listen to orders! You acted on your own initiative and put yourself in danger!”

"In order to save you, I almost caused Konoha's major combat power to suffer heavy losses! And because of you, we were helpless and the enemy took advantage of us, causing serious damage!"

"According to the laws of Konoha, you should be imprisoned for three months to reflect on your mistakes!"

Hinata Hinata spoke very seriously, and the majestic look in his eyes made Boruto feel a little frightened. He said: "Is it so serious? I just want to help..."

Hinata Hinata interrupted again, even more angrily: "Are you the same as usual during the war? Do you want to do whatever you want?"

"In the past war years, you would have been executed for this kind of behavior long ago. If you weren't Uzumaki Boruto, do you think you can still stand here and defend me!"

His tone softened: "Xia Muyang is right, you don't have any sense of propriety in what you do, you just do it as soon as your brain gets hot!"

“You always thought someone would wipe your butt, right? Well, today, grandpa will tell you that this time, no one will wipe your butt!”

 “You will taste the bitter fruits you sow yourself!”

“It’s time for you to have a sense of crisis, otherwise, in a few years, you may have been lost to everyone!”

After hearing this, Boruto couldn't help but look at his mother Hinata Hinata for help. He knew that his mother would be soft-hearted and intercede for him!

 But this time, he was disappointed!

Hinata Hinata closed her eyes and did not plead for him! Boruto's heart suddenly went cold!

 “Sai, Boruto will be left to you!”

Hinata Hinashi looked at Sai, the ANBU minister, and said!

 “Understood!” The latter nodded with a smile, but Boruto felt frightened for a while!

 “Did I really do something wrong?”

Boruto looked at Hinata Neji again. This uncle who usually loved him very much, but now he had a calm face and approved the result!

 He felt confused for the first time!

 Let’s not talk about Boruto, let’s go back to Yangyin Village!

When Natsume Yang returned to Yangyin Village, the war was over!

 Natsume Yang can clearly see that the entire Yangyin Village's admiration for Bai Ling and Kanyue Qianxia has suddenly increased!

“Did you feel their strong strength and worship them?”

 Xia Muyang guessed this in his heart!

 “It seems that the war here is over!”

Natsume Haru was naturally welcomed back when he returned, and he also saw the unconscious Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Toneri!

“Natsume Yo-sama, is the war in Konoha going well?”

The villagers were of course still concerned about the situation of the war and asked!

"Of course, it ended successfully! It won't be long before the ninja world should be able to restore peace and stability again!"

 Natsume Yang pointed at Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who were sealed behind him!

"As expected of Sir Natsume Yang, the battle was settled as soon as he came back!"

 The villagers looked at Natsume Yang with even more admiration!

“Haha, it’s all the result of everyone’s hard work. If you want to worship, worship yourself!”

Xia Muyang went to Yang Ying's office, where Jiu Yan and others had already sat down!

"came back!"

Kan Yue Qianxia is still as gentle as ever, seemingly helpless!

 In the past, all the villagers of Yangyin Village may have thought so!

 But since this battle, they no longer think so!

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