The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1413: The battle of world destruction, the best aid


The energy palms collided with the long sword and a thunderous sound of gold and iron erupted. The whole world was wailing because of this sound!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

 The two engaged in a terrifying close combat, and the terrifying collision frightened Aquamarine Star. At this moment, heaven and earth surrender!




"Puff puff!"

The battle between the two used terrifying killing moves. It is no exaggeration to say that the danger was no less dangerous than the battle between Natsume Yang and Sanhu!

Every move the two of them make is extremely deadly, and each move possesses unimaginable terrifying power!

Every time the two of them hit each other, the Lost Island under their feet would break into pieces and turn into an endless meteor shower, falling towards the sea blue star below them!

 The end of the world is coming so suddenly!

 The whole world is shaking! Wail! Fell into despair!

Blood is sprinkled all over the sky, and the air is full of terrifying fighting spirit, making people panic!

 “Acacia, come on, come on, don’t stop, keep going!”

Xia Muyang is dressed in flamboyant robes, his eyes are like lightning, his short hair is like needles, he is flamboyant and upright, and he has great power!

 “The secret of the Ice Emperor is one of three thousand worlds!”

As soon as the sword came out, it was as if countless rays of light directly covered Acacia. Endless sharp and icy power burst out, which shocked Acacia!

 “Gourmet Fist Meteor Shower!”

Acacia also roared, using both fists with the power of the star explosion, causing the Aquamarine star to break from the air, and collided with Natsume Yang's terrifying attack pair!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

The aftermath of the collision between these two people was too strong!

Even the wind and waves of the explosion blew away the atmosphere above Aquamarine Star, allowing the terrifying sunlight to shine directly on Aquamarine Star!

Not only that, the aftermath of the battle between the two turned into a world-destroying storm, possessing the power of divine punishment and ravaging the entire human world!

 Somewhere in the Second Continent!

 “Eighty-one of the eighty-one secrets of the bounded path, multi-layered super emptiness!”

Like the Valkyrie, Kantsuki Chinatsu created an unimaginably huge and powerful forbidden air layer, blocking a large area of ​​terrifying storm that was about to cross the second continent and rage towards the human world!

"Natsume Yang, just let go of the fight, I will help you solve the aftermath!"

Guanyue Qianxia's whole body is emitting frightening light, her eyes are like the bright starry sky, and her long hair is flamboyant.

 And in the human world!

 “Super pressure steam hood!”

Jie Nai directly released a huge cover, directly protecting the entire human world!

“Did that girl Kanyue Qianxia take action too? Her strength is quite impressive, even compared to that of an old woman like me!”

Jie Nai's eyes were shining brightly, feeling the huge barrier above the atmosphere, and thought in his heart!

 The seventh continent!

"These two people can destroy the world if they fight in the sky. If they fight on the ground, wouldn't the planet explode directly?"

 Feeling the terrifying aura coming from the sky all the time, Alu and his team felt as if their bodies were filled with lead.

 It felt like there were countless mountains pressing down on them, making it difficult for them to breathe!

"This is simply the ability to destroy the world. It is obviously just the aftermath, but it has already caused such destructive power!"

Sani looked at the cracked earth all the time and felt a little cold sweat!

 Every minute, every second, there is crazy oppression acting on them!

 Let them have to work hard to deal with it!

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