“Thank you for the hospitality, Food King Air!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Muyang stretched out his hand towards Guanyue Qianxia, ​​indicating that they should leave, and turned around to walk towards Bai Ling.

 Behind Kanyue Qianxia with a cheerful look on her face, Qiao Ya appeared again holding Cinderella and stabbed Kanyue Qianxia in the back!

"you dare!"

 Natsume Yang shouted violently, turned around and pulled out the Ice Emperor Sword, and was about to use the time stop skill to directly pierce Joya, but he heard another sound!


This voice seemed to have great magic power. Aru and the others who were eating Air suddenly felt as if time had been stopped, unable to move at all!

 “Natsume Yang, pay the price for your arrogance!”

“The skill of stopping time is not yours alone! Today, I will make you pay the price!”

Seeing this, Qiao Ya was overjoyed and shouted ferociously: "Guanyue Qianxia, ​​use it for me!"

When he finished speaking, the blade of Cinderella's blade in his hand was already less than one centimeter away from Guanyue Qianxia.

 It only takes a tenth of a second for him to control Kanyue Qianxia to his advantage!

And use Kanyue Qianxia to control Natsume Yang for their NEO use!

 “Space! Space! Freeze! Knot!”

 But it’s just one centimeter and it’s forever!

 The Natsume Yang who I saw was like a demon, not affected by the 'pause' sound at all.

Instead, there was a cracking sound in Qiao Ya’s ears!

 The person I saw who said "pause" actually kept breaking like ice cubes!

 He lost his life directly without even uttering a scream!

Natsume Yang glanced at the man, his combat power level was 2580!

  Not bad! However, in front of Xia Muyang, he is still just this scumbag!

 “How is it possible, you are not affected at all!”

"How is this possible? Even I will be affected. No matter how strong you are... you shouldn't be able to break free!"

Joya roared and shouted to Xia Muyang, his face full of disbelief, his eyes full of horror, and even his voice was trembling!

That is a time-pausing skill. Even if he is hit, it will take two seconds to break free!

 But, what the **** is Natsume Yang? He broke free in an instant, and even the caster exploded!

If it’s so scary, then Acacia wasn’t so scary back then!

  "What's impossible? I'm Natsume Yang! Nothing...is impossible in front of me!"

 Joia, your end...has come! "

Natsume Yang appeared in front of Qiao Ya in an instant.

 At his current level, he can already use space freezing on an object alone, and the accuracy is much improved than before!

 Natsume Yang stabbed Gio Ya through the head with a sword, ended his life, and saved Kanyue Qianxia!

What he saw was a faint gleam of chakra in Guanyue Qianxia's hand, which made Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly!

“Look at my temper, I forget everything when I get excited, and I thought she was the helpless Kantsuki Qianxia from before!”

"Even without me just now, Joya wouldn't have been able to hurt her with one blow! She is also a strong person now! She has no problem in the food world!"

After being out of danger, Kanyue Qianxia looked at the broken Qiao Ya, frowned slightly and said: "This guy's ability is a bit amazing!"

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