The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1400: If I break the contract, there will be thunder and lightning.

 Come back to Natsume Yang!

“Well, well, don’t show off your momentum, we don’t want to steal the air from you!”

“However, instead of letting Air naturally drop and waste ingredients, why not let knowledgeable humans cook it? Wouldn’t it be better to bring out the role of Air, the legendary ingredient!” Natsume Yang advised!

"You should also need a lot of nutrients now to produce this future pony king!"

 Natsume Yang gave a condition that the horse king absolutely cannot resist!

 Horse needs nutrition to ensure smooth production, and for a gourmet beast of his level, only Air can satisfy him!

 That's why she was so excited when she heard that Natsume Yang's goal was Air!

 But now, Natsume Yang said that if it is left to humans, the effect of Air can be brought out to a greater extent.

 This is an absolutely irresistible temptation for her!

 After all, the more nutrients she absorbs, the healthier her child will be!

 However, if humans deceive her, her child will be destroyed, and she will have to wait for hundreds of years!

 That’s too long!

 Horse King looked at Natsume Yang with half trust and half wariness.

 Human beings are cunning and cannot be completely believed until they understand it. This is the inherent impression King Ma has on human beings!

 “Take it easy, Hercules, King of Horses!”

"I, Natsume Yang, will never go back on my word. If what I just said to you is even half-false, I will be struck by lightning and die!"

Xia Muyang naturally saw the caution in Ma Wang's eyes, smiled brightly, and swore!

Hearing this, the wary look in Ma Wang's eyes suddenly became much less intense!

The oaths taken by a strong man like Natsume Yang are quite reliable. After all, a strong man like him will usually keep his word and will not go back on his word!

Ma Wang looked at Xia Muyang for a long time. Then, the wariness in his eyes disappeared and he sat down again!

Xia Muyang also sat on Bai Ling's head, waiting for Aru and the others to arrive!


Joia is here!

“It’s time to set off, it’s time to recycle those ingredients! All the masters in the human world should also be setting off!”

“Just in time, the mantis is chasing the cicada, and the oriole is behind. As long as you capture Air, we can take advantage of the situation to recover it!”

"If you dare to stop us, even if you are Natsume Yang, we will kill you!"

“Natsume Yang, this time, I will let you know how powerful we are. Don’t think that we will be defeated by you like we did two years ago. This time, we are absolutely serious!”

"I have also improved my strength again, and with those Blue Nitro, you will definitely die!"

 Joia led his men and set off! Head to the Eighth Continent!

 Gourmet party!

 “Air is almost mature, it’s time to capture it!”

 Sanhu, Stajiu and others also set off to go to the food world!

 For Sanhu, one can imagine the temptation of Air, a legendary ingredient!

 Only legendary ingredients like Air can satisfy his endless appetite!


 Horse King's Hill!

 “It is indeed you, Mr. Natsume Yang!”

When Alu and others came to the Horse King's Art, they saw Bai Ling and Natsume Yang at the same time as the Horse King!

 “Yo, you guys are here, but you kept me waiting for a long time!”

Xia Muyang opened his eyes, looked at Alu and the others, and said with a smile on his face!

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