"Humph, it sounds like you are not afraid of my blade, otherwise, you would have attacked me long ago!"

“You arrogant guy, I want to see how long you can last in this turtle shell!”

Kusom was unmoved and even retorted!

“These two people really don’t like each other as always!”

Not far away, the three Alu people came over dragging their prey. Looking at the fierce battle between the two men, they couldn't help but shake their heads!

These two men played a total of 167 games in this month, with Kusum winning 145 times and drawing 23 times! It has never been defeated so far!

As for Zebra, Kusoom’s record belongs to him!

"Zebra must defeat this guy once and for all! After all, he lost so miserably. How can such a proud person endure it!"

 “If you don’t win today, you may not have a chance in the future!” Coco revealed the secret!

 “Thunder Escape Pseudo Darkness!”

Kusom suddenly knocked Zebra away, and then, after forming two seals, he thrust his right hand forward, and a wild thunder and lightning roared out, and he rushed in front of Zebra in an instant!

 In this month, Zebra has not been less attacked by this attack.

Hence, he is very aware of the power of this move.

After Jiji cast a sonic barrier to block the thunder and lightning, he heard Kusom shouting: "Water Escape Technique of Water Arms!"

The sound of rushing water sounded behind Zebra. Zebra was shocked and immediately dodged away!

The moment he dodged out, a fierce water wrist blasted through the air and passed him!

 “The wind escapes the pressure!”

Facing Zebra who was dodging away, Kusum quickly formed a seal, and then a wave of wind and waves comparable to a Category 12 hurricane roared out, directly driving Zebra away!

 “Little devil, don’t be too… arrogant…”

Even though it felt like his body was about to be blown apart, Zebra still screamed wildly, and there were actually sound waves gathering in his mouth!

 “Sonic destruction cannon!”

Like a tailed beast, he sprayed out a terrifying sonic energy cannon, which even tore apart the hurricane and rushed directly in front of Kusum!

 “As expected of Zebra…”

Kusom was startled, and the sealing movement in his hand was interrupted, so he quickly dodged away!

 “Meteorite noise!”

Seeing this, Zebra actually sent a terrifying sound wave towards the sky.

Kusom, who had just dodged the sonic energy cannon, felt a sudden blackness on his head, and then a heavy and manic aura directly enveloped him!

  From the sky, a meteorite-like aggregate of sonic energy actually landed. At an unimaginable speed, it had already reached Kusum’s head!


Without thinking, Kusum instantly activated his earth escape technique and sank directly into the ground!

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

I saw that within a few hundred meters of where Kusum was standing, everyone was caught in a horrific explosion.

Like the end of the world, the air wrinkles and wails in pain, the earth sinks and trembles!

 Sounds like this happen five or six times a day, and the food beasts around are used to it!


As soon as Kusum appeared from five hundred meters away, he heard Zebra's voice again: "Lightning noise!"

It became a terrifying sound wave like a thunder pillar, which boomed directly down, without giving Kusum any chance to react, and enveloped him directly!

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