The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1353: Eight Kings of Snakes, Mother King Snake

“Counting the time, in half a month, Earth, one of Acacia’s full menu desserts, will be ready!”

“But the food beast guarding Earth is the Queen Snake, one of the eight kings. It’s a bit difficult to deal with!”

Even though Natsume Yang said this, there was no fear or flinch on his face!

The so-called Earth is the dessert on Acacia’s full menu!

The fruit of the flower located in the "Food Garden" of the Fourth Continent absorbs all the sweet energy of the earth through its roots and becomes the ultimate dessert.

 After eating it, you can get almost unlimited energy. Protect the Snake King, one of the Eight Kings!

 (Snake King: The longest food beast in the world! The continent it is located in is the fourth continent!)

 (With an astonishing length of 220,000 kilometers, it can directly break through Planet Aquamarine and enter the universe to hunt for prey! The hunting level is 6310 and the weight is 1.5 tons. It is a super terrifying food beast!)

 This time, in order to go to the food world to capture Earth, Natsume Yang did all his homework!

 This is also the first time that he has studied the information of a gourmet beast so seriously!

Because Natsume Yang knew that the Snake King's strength was too terrifying, even if he was not careful, he might not be able to come back!

 He must be responsible for Kanyue Qianxia!

 In order to deal with the Snake King, Natsume Yang prepared for seven days before setting off! This time, he didn’t take Kanyue Qianxia with him!


 Half a month later! Food world!

“Ding! Acacia full menu, dessert Earth captured successfully, combat value +5000, title: Gourmet!”

Natsume Yang didn't pay much attention to the systematic voice in his head. He just felt like he was going to collapse now!

He had no choice but to fight with the Snake King for seven days and seven nights. In the end, he defeated the Snake King with a slight advantage and successfully captured Earth!

"Huh, you are indeed the Snake King, you are really powerful! It has been a long time since anyone has been able to fight with me for so long without losing!"

“But it’s a pity that you lost after all! Snake King!”

Looking at the snake king in front of him, which was hovering like a small planet, Natsume Yang lay on the ground in a large shape, panting heavily.

Not far from him, there were long snakes and food beasts of various colors with terrifying shapes, looking at Natsume Yang and the Snake King with eager eyes!

Suddenly, those snake-like gourmet beasts no longer waited. Perhaps they felt that Natsume Yang and the Snake King had reached the end of their strength, and immediately launched an attack on the two of them!

“Hmph, some hybrid snakes with a hunting level of only about 3,000 also want to covet the throne of the supreme snake king. You are hundreds of years too early!”

Xia Muyang looked at all the snake-like gourmet beasts that covered the sky and the sun and came towards him with their ferocious mouths open, a look of disdain and disdain flashed across his face!

 “The Immortal Shadow Clone is back!”

 He said something clear! Then, I saw Natsume Yang's momentum instantly restored to its heyday.

 He levitated directly, like a god, pointed his hand and said: "Ice forest is coming!"

 “Click, click, click!”

In an instant, as if boundless icy power was swallowed up from under the Nine Heavens, the fourth continent with the largest area in the food world actually turned into two areas centered on the battlefield where Natsume Yang and the Snake King fought!

 The other side of the Snake Queen Mother and the King Snake is a normal continent, with spring and flowers blooming!

 And on the other side near Natsume Yang, there is a world of ice and snow, extremely cold, a forbidden land for life!

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