"The entire pirate group consists of Kaido, Jhin, Sidell, Tezoro, Cyrus, Prussia, Ryan, Bowser, Zevaro, and Amanda. They form a management committee to jointly decide on the affairs of the pirate group!"

"Kaido and Cyrus are respectively the chief and deputy manager. They have the right to make decisions at special moments!"

“If the chief and deputy manager have different opinions, the two will be eliminated, and the opinions of the other eight people shall prevail, and the minority shall obey the majority!”

“The chief administrator controls military development, the deputy chief administrator controls personnel decisions, and the remaining eight people control economic and other aspects of development!”

 “You ten can understand!”

 After finishing speaking, Xia Muyang looked at the ten people and left.

 “Understood!” Ten people responded at the same time!

 Among these people, Prussia and Lane were especially excited. They did not expect that they would receive such attention from Natsume Yang!

“The rest of the people are doing their own thing to maintain the harmony of the Ice King Pirates, do you understand?”

Natsume Yang glanced around again and said.


At this moment, all the pirates responded at the same time, whether they were in front of the video phone bug or Natsume Yang.

  But judging from Natsume Yang’s arrangement, it is obvious that he has relatively large restrictions on Kaido.

But this is not beyond Kaido’s expectation. After all, his own existence is a threat in itself!

After Natsume Yo took over the Beast Pirates and changed their name to the Ice King Pirates, he didn't secretly suppress him, exclude him, or exclude him. He already found it incredible!

 After all, if the situation between him and Natsume Yang were reversed, he would definitely slowly sideline Natsume Yang and make him a pure fighting force!

 Without the slightest ability to intervene in management affairs!

He felt that it was very unrealistic for Natsume Yo to allow him to intervene in management practices!

“Kaido, after I leave, the Ice King Pirates will have to worry about you, Cyrus!”

"Military development is a very important matter, related to the combat effectiveness of the pirate group. I believe that with your ability, you should be able to do better than me!"

Natsume Yang looked at Kaido alone, raised his head and said.

 “You’re welcome, Captain!”

 Kaido couldn't help but feel shuddering in his heart and said with a correct attitude.

 Xia Muyang’s words are simply flattering!

“Tezzoro, economic development is your strong point, so you have to pay more attention! Don’t let your brothers go hungry, otherwise it will be bad if you start a revolution and make people laugh in vain!”

 Natsume Yang looked at Tezoro again and said with a smile.

“Of course, I am the Golden Emperor, and the only person who can make money better than me is you, the captain!”

 Tezoro said confidently with his head held high, and he flattered Natsume Yang without any trace!

 “Cylix, making decisions on personnel matters is the most important thing!”

“You have always had a clear mind! In the days to come, I hope you can also have a clear vision, timely discover talents, replace talents, and identify the correct and wrong behaviors of talents. Make sure that the big machine of the Ice Emperor Pirates operates normally and accurately, do you understand?”

Xia Muyang finally looked at Cyrus, the most powerful man among his most trusted confidants!

“I wonder how the replaced cadres will be arranged!” Cyrus asked.

“Those who are capable and continue to be managers can be rearranged to lower management positions!”

“If you have no intention of continuing to be a manager, you can ensure a stable life by giving money!”

“Of course, those who want teaching experience can be hired separately to inject new blood into the management talents of the Ice King Pirates!” Natsume Yang replied slowly.

 This is not a problem for him who once managed a ninja village with a population of nearly 100,000!

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