
 The World Government Conference is held!

As one of the countries recognized by the world government, Yoyo Natsume, as the actual ruler of Hyokuji Island, also needs to attend the meeting!

 The World Government Meeting is an important meeting that can determine the direction of the world. With this right, the Ice King Pirates also have the right to formulate world rules.

 Coupled with the terrifying economic influence of the Ice Emperor Pirates, as well as the political and military influence brought by infiltration into other countries.

The Ice Emperor Pirates, at this moment, have reached the level of a giant on the sea that can compete with the navy as a single force!

 Furthermore, this force is not controlled by the world government!

 In other words, if the Ice King Pirates are safe, the sea will be safe. If something happens to the Ice King Pirates, trouble will happen all over the world!

With this guarantee in place, the world government would not dare to target the Ice King Pirates too much for nearly a hundred years!

 Because if the sea is in turmoil, the world government will suffer the greatest loss!

 This is not subject to the will of Wulaoxing and Im!

At the same time, there were five people including Cyrus who also attended the meeting!

 “Let’s go and see the style of the rulers of various countries in the world!”

Since the World Government Conference is such an important event, it’s natural to take Kantsuki Chinatsu with her!

 “Well, let’s go!”

  The group of people took a warship sent by the navy and headed for Mary Joa.

 Natsume Yang is sitting on the warship. Naturally, no idiot in the New World would dare to stop him, unless he really doesn’t want to live anymore!

 Marie Gioia!

When Natsume Yang arrived, several kings had already arrived!

 Among them, there are many partners including Natsume Yang!

 “Hey, Xerxes, long time no see, when will we cooperate again!”

 “Johnson, you still owe me a banquet!”

 “Defik, you look much better!”

 Natsume Yang skillfully greeted these powerful people on the sea, and the atmosphere seemed quite harmonious.

 Among these people, there are some who are the most powerful in the world, and some who are ordinary!

The most powerful people in the world refer to those kings who are related to the Celestial Dragons, or whose country is so powerful that even the Celestial Dragons are somewhat afraid of them!

Like Natsume Yang’s country of frost, it is one of the top countries!

As Natsume Yang’s concubine, Kanyue Qianxia naturally became one of the most noble women present!

 “This time, let’s discuss the rules of the world!”

Xia Muyang held a glass of wine and led Kanyue Qianxia, ​​and said to these kings who were either lean, pot-bellied, strong, or short and old.

 “Haha, that’s natural!” A group of powerful people smiled confidently.

“Isn’t this Princess Vivi from the desert kingdom of Alabasta? Long time no see!”

 Suddenly, Xia Muyang saw an acquaintance!

 “It turns out that Ice Emperor recognizes me!” Weiwei smiled, lively and cute!

 “This is my lover, Kanyue Qianxia!”

   Natsume Yang introduces Kantsuki Qianxia to Weiwei!


 The two women shook hands and met each other with a smile!

 It’s just that it smells like gunpowder no matter how you look at it!


At this moment, Xia Muyang suddenly heard a soft cry. He couldn't help but scream secretly. Before he could react, he was hugged by a soft bosom!

The visitor is none other than the fish-man princess—Shirahoshi!

“Shirahoshi, let go... Your Majesty Hyokui, this is a world government meeting, it’s so embarrassing!”

 Prince Shark Star, who came behind Bai Xing, said with a headache on his face.

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