"Yes, yes, captain, I will take it easy. However, those losers are not capable of themselves, why don't they allow me to take advantage of the opportunity to plunder?"

“When money flows, it’s money. If it doesn’t, it’s just waste paper. Those people just don’t understand this!”

 “Always like to hoard money, and also say that I use unfair means to rob their wealth!”

"I can't help it. They are so stupid. If we don't let them suffer some losses, they won't learn to think. This will be too boring!"

Tezzoro shook the red wine glass and then took a sip, feeling quite high-spirited and scolding Fang Qiu.

“There’s nothing you can do about it. Do you think everyone is a business genius like you? Talents are hard to come by!”

“It’s been so long, and I’ve only found you. Go ahead and circulate these 700 million funds!”

 Natsume Yang also pretended to sigh, but actually praised Tezoro again!

 Combat Mine!

"let's start!"

 Seeing that both sides were ready, Xia Muyang ordered the battle to begin!

 “Ten times the jet six-style secret king-popping fist!”

At the beginning, Amanda appeared in front of Kidd with a high-speed shave, and then punched out an air wave punch!


 Kidd used his ability to absorb the surrounding metal and turned it into a huge fist. The color of the weapon hardened, and he collided with the air fist.


The air was blown away, and a large crater of more than 70 meters was opened in the ground under Kidd's feet.

Amidst the flying dust, Kidd's big metal hand exploded various parts. Not only that, Kidd actually took a dozen steps back!

 At the beginning, we fell into a disadvantage.

 “Jet Lan Kick!”

 The distance of the Lan Kick is to kick the air at high speed and turn it into a slash. With the increase of the jet, the speed is faster, so the Lan Kick is more powerful!


Kid once again gathered his big metal hand and swiped hard, blocking the blow.

Seeing this, Amanda suddenly put her hands on the ground, her feet were rolling with air, and she continued to swing at high speed, and a large piece of sharp sword energy flew towards Kidd.

 “Don’t underestimate me!”

Seeing this, Kidd roared angrily, waved his right arm and swept through the air at a high speed. The air exploded instantly, and all the Arashi Kick Attacks were swept away.


 The surrounding large rocks were instantly cut in half and cut away all the way, which was very spectacular.

Then, the big metal hand slapped down solemnly, and the air quickly wrinkled and formed several air circles, as if the hand of God was going to press Amanda under the Five Fingers Mountain!

“Ten times the jet gun rainstorm!”

But Amanda disappeared under this palm in a flash, and then appeared in front of Kidd, with a sky filled with fierce finger attacks.

 “Magnet Shield!”

Facing such a large number of attacks, Kidd couldn't help but feel numb. He quickly changed the state of his metal arm and turned it into a shield to block his face.


The shocking sound of gold and iron resounded in all directions, and even the air was distorted by the battle between the two, as if there was a bright light spreading out, which was a bit dazzling.

 “Amazing, you can actually defend against this move!”

Seeing that she failed to break through the magnet shield, Amanda immediately stepped back, but Kidd was not going to let him slip away!

 Taking a heavy step, he chased after him, "Punch from the anti-magnetic pole!"

His body erupted with a violent breath, and even the air was blown away, making Natsume Yang feel like he was facing the Shinra Tenzheng!

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