The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1096: Let’s have another top battle

“That’s...the murderous doctor with a bounty of 450 million beli, Kanyue Qianxia!”

  Grand immediately saw Guanyue Qianxia, ​​and was immediately ecstatic!

“Kuanyue Qianxia, ​​if you want to blame it, it’s your bad luck. When you met me, your good days are over!”

Grant actually dropped the telescope and rushed towards Kanyue Qianxia.


Lieutenant General Prodi was shocked and quickly stopped him, but how could he possibly pull back Gurant, an arrogant and wanton donkey?

“Hey, someone actually came directly to our door to cause trouble for us, it’s interesting!”

Xia Muyang, who was lying down, suddenly spoke, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Should we admire the courage and courage of this navy? When they met us on the sea, instead of hiding, they rushed towards us!"

Kan Yue Qianxia also joked.

"Probably so. Therefore, a young navy like this cannot be spoiled! Once spoiled, arrogance and arrogance will easily appear."

 “Always like to be self-centered, look down on anyone, and won’t cooperate with anyone!”

 Xia Muyang changed to a more comfortable position and said.

 “Look at the moon and thousands of summers, and suffer death!”

While Natsume Yang and Kanyue Qianxia were chatting, Gurante had already approached the two.

Grant is obviously aiming at Kantsuki Qianxia. In his opinion, as long as he catches Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​he can have another top battle.

By then, even if the entire Ice Emperor Pirates cannot be annihilated in one fell swoop, at least they will definitely be able to cause heavy damage to the Ice Emperor Pirates.

In this way, the Ice Emperor Pirates, who suffered heavy losses, will no longer pose much of a threat and will be annihilated by the navy sooner or later.

 And he, Gu Lant, will definitely take the greatest credit!

 After all, without him catching Kantsuki Qianxia, ​​how could the navy have taken the next step?

  Grand thinks it’s beautiful just thinking about it!

It’s okay to imagine such a wonderful thing, but when it comes to actual implementation, it’s not necessarily the case!

“Oh, it seems that our Qianxia is quite popular, she actually came directly to you!” Hearing this, Xia Muyang couldn’t help but joked.

 “Oh, you’re so annoying that you know how to tease me!”

After hearing this, Kanyue Qianxia rolled her eyes at Xia Muyang angrily, and then looked at Gu Lante who was heading towards him.


Grant roared out with a punch, and the punch was extremely powerful.

 “Let me use this punch to finish you off completely!”

Grant has never paid much attention to Kantsuki Qianxia. In his opinion, the reason why Kantsuki Qianxia has such a high bounty is because of Natsume Yang.

 He did not believe that Kanyue Qianxia got such a bounty based on her own ability.

As for the previous records of Kantsuki Qianxia's battle with the navy, he felt that they were just fabrications made by the useless navy to shirk their responsibilities and cover up their incompetence.


 Kanyue Qianxia had no time to dodge and was sent flying by Gurante's punch.

“Hmph, I know how a weak woman like Kanyue Qianxia can be so strong!”

  With one punch, Guanyue Qianxia was sent flying. Gurant couldn't help but smile proudly. He confirmed his guess.

 It is because of Natsume Yang's relationship that Kantsuki Qianxia gets so much bounty!

 “Natsume Yang, you are next!”

Grant looked at Natsume Yang who was lying beside him again, his aura hardened and he punched out.

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