As soon as Zefa opened his eyes, he saw Xia Muyang's face. His eyes were immediately filled with furious bloodshot eyes. He picked up the Hailou Stone prosthetic leg and rushed towards Xia Muyang.


Zefa didn't see how Xia Muyang took action, but he felt a huge force coming from his Hailoushi prosthetic limb that he couldn't resist, and he was knocked back nearly a hundred meters.

“Why, is this how the former admiral treats his savior?” Xia Muyang mocked.

“Hmph, it’s a shame for me to be saved by an evil person like you. You still want me to thank you? You are wishful thinking!”

After being knocked back by Xia Mu Yang's blow, Zefa knew that he was no match for Xia Mu Yang, so he stopped attacking. There was no way, he was no match for Xia Mu Yang!

“Mr. Zefa, [ENDPIONT] is a very dangerous thing. Using this thing will cost you a lot!”

Natsume Yang squatted down on a stone on the island and asked with a smile.

"I have no choice. You garbage on the sea must be cleared away!" Zefa said without thinking.

"Oh, you are so sure that you can escape from me. You don't think I will give you that chance!"

As soon as he heard this, Natsume Yang immediately laughed!

Above the sea, his strength is at its absolute peak, bar none!

 No one dared to confidently say in front of Xia Muyang that they could escape from him.

What's more, there is not a single ship on this vast sea, how can Tazefa escape!

 “Damn it!”

Zefa couldn't help but curse. He glanced around, and then realized in despair that he had no chance!

 “Could it be that God will destroy me!”

Zefa couldn't help but sweat broke out on his head. Whoever faced Natsume Yang wouldn't have it easy!

 “Well, how about I make a bet with you!”

Seeing Zefa's appearance, Xia Muyang showed a fox-like smile and said.

“What do you want to bet on? Maybe there is something else in me that you can covet!”

 As soon as he heard this, Zefa immediately became vigilant.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to covet anything from you, I just want to watch a good show!”

“I can let you leave, and the content of my bet with you is: Bet on whether you can successfully detonate those explosion points in the end, and finally achieve the goal you want to achieve, use the power of nature to destroy all pirates!”

  "How about, how about a bet! If you win, we die! If I win, you die alone!"

Xia Muyang's expectant smile was so confident and calm, but in Zefa's view, Xia Muyang was simply a lunatic.

  It was so crazy that he couldn’t help but feel chilled in his heart!

 Danzifa felt that there was no harm in this bet for him, and there was no reason not to agree!

After agreeing, he can leave, and he has nothing to lose, so why not!

“Okay, I’ll make this bet with you. I hope you can keep your word!”

Zefa agreed immediately, then passed by Xia Muyang and walked into the forest on the island, preparing to start making wooden boats to go to sea.

 “Hehe, why don’t you wait for your subordinates to come to you?”

Seeing this, Xia Muyang glanced at him and asked.

“We decided to meet up at the next island. They should all be there now. I even lost the phone bug, so I had to do it myself!”

Zefa said without turning around.

Even though he seemed to have relaxed his vigilance, in fact, he was secretly wary of Natsume Yang.

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