"Where did a monster like Natsume Yang come from? His origin has always been a mystery!" said the curly-haired Five Old Stars.

“It’s meaningless to discuss these now, let’s think about how to deal with all parties in the sea, and let’s think about the reaction after knowing the news that we have defeated!” said Goro Hoshi, who was holding the second-generation ghost.

“If they knew the news, it would probably be the same as that time when the lunatic Natsume Yang said he wanted to visit Larudov!”

The long-bearded Wulaoxing clenched his fists and said.

  "For Sakaski to send troops, the pirates in the New World must be frightened and not allowed to mess around!"

“In addition, notify the major newspapers and ask them to block the news, otherwise, they will openly oppose the world government...”

 The curly-haired Five Old Star said to the air. Then, a phantom flashed out.

 It is inevitable to block the news!

 At this time, the navy is empty. If the news is spread at this time, it will be difficult to shake the scene with the power of the world government alone.

 Only after the navy has returned in full can it have the power to frighten the monsters on the sea.

  Natsume Yang is here!

 Have a carnival all day long!

Natsume Yang has achieved an achievement that is unprecedented and unprecedented.

With this record, even if Natsume Yang disappears in the future, it will be difficult for Kaido to regain control of the Ice King Pirates.

 Because Natsume Yang has now completely confirmed his transcendent status.

If everyone didn't know that there are no gods in this world, then they would definitely not mind worshiping Natsume Yang as a **** now.

“Okay, everyone, I expected to defeat the navy. After all, this is not our main purpose!”

When everyone was almost enjoying the carnival, Natsume Yang spoke.

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked towards him, and the scene became quiet.

"The purpose of our coming here is for Larudev! Since there is no other person to hinder us, I think we should get down to business!"


 A group of pirates immediately shouted wildly, their eyes looking very fanatical.

 Because Natsume Yo is about to achieve a new achievement. What the Pirate King Roger did back then, Natsume Yo has also accomplished now.

 And what Roger didn't do, such as defeating the navy, Natsume Yo also did it!

“Captain, be careful. As soon as we set foot on the island, we felt like our lives were passing by. This is a very dangerous island!”

Just when Natsume Yang was about to step onto Larudev, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

“Haha, don’t worry, I’m Natsume Yang, little Larudev, there’s nothing you can do to me!”

 Natsume Yang smiled confidently, there was nothing in the One Piece world that could do anything to him.


Everyone saw that the moment Natsume Yang stepped onto the island, the entire island suddenly buzzed, and then trembled slightly, as if he was afraid of Natsume Yang.

 But the feeling of life force passing that they had felt before was completely absent.

“Natsume Yang, what kind of monster are you? You are not embarrassed by the devil fruit mother tree, but you still make her so afraid!”

 Seeing this scene, Im, who had become a mortal, couldn't help but be shocked in his heart.

At that time, in order to be able to set foot on Larudev Island safely, he did it after a lot of fighting.

 Natsume Yang is good, he didn’t do anything, the Devil Fruit mother tree is so scared.

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