The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1082: So what if you go too far to deceive others?

There are also the quotas for the six world government joining countries!

 Want to enjoy the benefits of being a franchised country, pay only a small amount of symbolic tax, and be completely independent under the jurisdiction of the world government, but have the right to govern the world.

 What a joke!

This is equivalent to a tiger entering a flock of sheep, but the sheep not only equip the tiger with sharper teeth, but also entertain it with delicious food and drink, and are willing to accept the tiger's enslavement.

If this is really agreed, let alone whether other alliances will agree, there is absolutely no way for the Five Old Stars to agree to such an approach that has completely become a worm in the body of the world government.

 Are you kidding? This kind of treatment is almost as good as that of the Celestial Dragons.

"Are you kidding? It's impossible, Natsume Yang, there's no way we can agree to your request!"

The five old stars with horns and beards refused righteously.

"Natsume Yang, this request of yours is too much. If you change it, we can't agree to this!" The blond Five Old Star also said.

 The other three Five Old Stars also had the same expression.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, then Im’s personal safety will not be guaranteed!”

 “When the time comes, I won’t mind a public execution Imyo!”

As if he guessed that Wu Laoxing would not agree, Natsume Yang threatened again.


As soon as Xia Muyang said these words, Wu Laoxing's expression suddenly changed.

 Who is Imna, the master behind them, the real controller of this world, just like the emperor, its importance is self-evident.

If they are really publicly executed by Natsume Yang, their end will be over.

 Don't think about it, the whole world will be in chaos, and that is no longer a level they can cope with.

“Damn it, Natsume Yang, can’t there be another condition?”

The five old stars with horns and beards said through gritted teeth.

 “No!” Natsume Yang refused without even thinking!

 “But, ten billion...!”

Before the blond Wu Laoxing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Natsume Yang!

“I think you have made a mistake. These 10 billion are just war reparations!”

“If you really want to redeem Im, oh, and Marshal Kong of the World Government, then pay another five billion, and I will vote for any less!”

 Natsume Yang's smiling expression appeared on the phone bug, making everyone present want to tear him apart.

 “This is robbery, naked robbery!”

The five old stars with horns and beards held the phone bug and roared.

“If you do this, the whole world will be drained by you!” The bearded Five Old Star said gloomily.

"The World Government is not a weakling who will be bullied by you, Natsume Yang. Don't ask for too much, otherwise the fish will die and the net will be broken!" Goro Hoshi, who was holding the second-generation ghost in his arms, narrowed his eyes and said.

“Oh, look at what you said, what does robbing mean? This is obviously a friendly consolation money. Otherwise, wouldn’t my brothers’ death be in vain?”

 Xia Muyang rolled his eyes and said jokingly.

“You have to make your choice quickly. I am very impatient. If Im is killed in battle because of you, I don’t think this is what you want to see, right?”

Xiamu Yang threatened again, it can be said that he is going to drive Wulaoxing and the others crazy.

"Is it necessary to be like this? Natsume Yang, don't bully others too much. Our world government will destroy everything!" The five old stars with beards were still a little reluctant and said.

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