The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1078: Haven't had time to be happy yet


 Natsume Yang's right arm suddenly exerted force, and Fujitora was actually knocked back. Then, he slashed down again.

  It looked like it was a light sword, but the moment Fujitora collided with it, it was like two meteorites colliding together.

 Fujitora was actually blasted back nearly fifty meters!


Natsume Haru appeared in front of Fujitora like a shadow. Seeing this, the navy couldn't help but exclaimed: "Be careful!"


 I saw Fujitora hurriedly swinging his sword to fight.

 “Boom!” There was a loud tremor!


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, but there was no trace of Fujitora.


The ice five hundred meters away trembled heavily again, and ice fragments exploded all over the sky.

"No way, General Yixiao was slashed so far by his sword!" The navy was shocked!

 “Have you ever been kicked by a light?”

At this moment, Kizaru appeared behind Natsume Yang again, his right foot flashing with a terrifying light, and he swept towards him.


Just when he was about to be kicked, Xia Muyang suddenly twisted his body, and the ice spirit knife collided with Kizaru with huge power.


 A group of navy saw the air suddenly blurring, and a black phantom flashed past.

About a thousand meters away from where Fujitora was, a big hole exploded again.

 And Kizaru has disappeared where he was!

 “The ice cube is so violent that the pheasant’s mouth is so violent!”

Qingzhi Hongran's voice came leisurely. Xia Muyang felt a fierce crisis coming, but before he could avoid it, two scarlet gashes appeared on his chest.

 “Gravity pressure!”

This was not over yet, Fujitora climbed up from the ice in the distance at some point, and put a super gravity pressure on Natsume Yang.


 Fujitora's attack came very suddenly, and Natsume Yang was also caught off guard. Under the pressure of gravity, blood spurted out.

 “Laser light!”


Xia Muyang's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and a big hole was opened in his chest. He couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.

 “Ice two-thorn spear!”

Ao Pheasant emerged from the cold air, holding two sharp ice spears in both hands, and thrust them into the chest of Natsume Yang, who was trapped by gravity.

 Then, he stepped heavily on Xia Muyang's chest and kicked him out hard.


Xia Muyang vomited out a mouthful of blood again and fell heavily to the ground.

 “Oh, Mr. Kuzan…!”

 Seeing this scene, when all the navy was about to cheer, something unexpected happened suddenly!


Meeting Ao Pheasant and Kizaru, their chests were suddenly pierced without any warning.

Both of their eyes were filled with shock. When they lowered their heads to look, they saw two ice branches with armed and domineering looks.


The wound froze instantly and was about to form one with the ice branch. The two of them immediately escaped into elemental form.

 At the moment when the two of them had just transformed into elements, Natsume Haru appeared in front of Fujitora like a phantom.


A very arrogant sword slashed through the air, and Fujitora had no choice but to fight hard again. Under the blessing of gravity, he still felt like he was hit hard, and was knocked out again like a sandbag.

 In a blink of an eye, the situation reversed again.


On the battlefield, the five ice beasts are still wreaking havoc, causing heavy casualties wherever they pass!

 The navy has completely lost its advantage!

 If the battle continues, the navy's losses will be even greater!

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