The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1072: How many chances do you have left?

  IM asked him to join, that is to say, he felt that he could not handle Natsume Yang by himself!

  It can make Im, who has always regarded himself as a god, give in. Kong feels that things are starting to become troublesome.

"Two of them beat me one? It's up to you. Anyway, the final result will not change at all!" Seeing this, Xia Muyang couldn't help but smile confidently.

 Then, he looked at Im, with a look that seemed to be able to directly penetrate Im's true inner thoughts.

“Im, how many more times can you use that trick that can reject unfavorable factors?”

“Although your Devil Fruit ability is incredible, it is limited by the user’s physical strength. You have already used two incredible tricks, so how much physical strength do you have left?”

“And I haven’t even used half of my physical strength yet!”

Natsume Yang’s voice was like a magical sound, and the two of them accepted it involuntarily.

“Hmph, it sounds nice, but it’s just a bluff. The more you act like this, the more people think you are a stern person!”

“I don’t need to worry about how much physical strength I still have. Practice will give you true knowledge, and no one will be intimidated!”

Imu snorted, his eyes froze, and the sky was filled with lava fire fists that blasted towards Natsume Yang.

 “Immortal magic and ice forest are coming!”

Facing the terrifying flames coming toward his face, Xia Muyang stretched out his hand, and the ice beneath Im and Kong's feet suddenly broke through and sprouted ten ice branches as thick as a millstone.

Five entanglements headed towards them, and the five turned into phantoms that filled the sky, blocking all the lava fists.

 “Damn it!”

Facing the entangled ice branches, even Im did not dare to look down on them and quickly dodged.

He could feel that the space seemed to be frozen.

If he stopped, not to mention the entangled branches of ice, even the power of the cold would give him a drink!

 “Frozen Eyes!”

Xia Muyang's eyes lit up. The two people who were avoiding the entanglement of ice branches suddenly became covered with ice, making their movements slow down!

"not good!"

Seeing this, Im immediately shouted something bad, but saw that Natsume Yang in front of them had disappeared.


Im immediately spoke to remind Sora not to fall for the attack.


However, before he could finish his words, a wave of blood suddenly burst out from behind Kong.


Kong grunted, but Xia Muyang had already disappeared. Im quickly added a layer of defense to avoid being attacked by Xia Muyang.

Being slashed by Natsume Yang, Sora's movements couldn't help but slow down. The branches of ice immediately wrapped around him at a faster speed, shortening the distance between him and Sora.

Hong Kong couldn't help being startled, and immediately shook the ice away, disappearing in a flash.

Upon seeing this, Im immediately imagined accelerating for himself, and then put a huge distance away from the Ice Branch.

 In this way, he finally found an opportunity to fight back.

 “Laser light cannon!”

Im raised his hand and pushed forward, and two black light cannons like void cannons rushed out.

 “Break it for me!”

Im thought that such a terrifying move could break all the ice branches, but it only broke two ice branches and ended in vain.


 On the contrary, the branches of ice rushed towards me again like an endless stream of trees.

 “The repulsion of the stars!”

Immediately opened his palms, and the terrifying repulsive force was released at 360 degrees without any blind angle. The repulsive force that could even shatter mountains could not break the ice branches into slag.

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