The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1050: The temptation of the final place

Along the way, Natsume Yang personally defeated nearly twenty-one pirate groups, but the temptation of the final place was too great!

As the saying goes: "People die for money and birds die for food." Even though Natsume Yang worked so diligently to kill the followers, the effect was not very good!

  There are still many pirate groups still following, with crazy looks in their eyes.

“Everyone is crazy and wants to go to the final land, but the final land is not that easy to go to..."

 Natsume Yang couldn't help but sneer after defeating a pirate group again.

At this time, we have not entered the real dangerous area, so these people feel that as long as they follow themselves and others, they can reach the final place.

 But is it really that simple?

Of course it is impossible. The road to the final place is full of difficulties and obstacles, and there are many natural dangers.

How can you successfully reach the final destination without the guidance of a guiding stone?

   Undoubtedly, I am catching my dream and having a big dream of Spring and Autumn!

Finally, after several hours of chasing, the first natural danger to the final place appeared in front of them.

 “Turn the rudder to the right, enter the vortex, and then go straight to the center of the second vortex!”

Xia Muyang issued the order in an orderly manner, and the helmsman did not doubt Xia Muyang's words at all, and immediately executed them.

Of course, if Natsume Yang wants to take this opportunity to kill them, he can kill most of them with just this whirlpool.

 After all, there are quite a few people with Devil Fruit abilities on this ship!

 But they believed that Natsume Yang would not do such an extremely stupid thing.

 After all, the people on this ship are almost the elite of the Ice Emperor Pirates, and they are the life source of the Ice Emperor Pirates.

 Even if Natsume Yang wanted to kill them all, he would not do such a thing at this time.


Facing the naturally formed terrifying whirlpool, even Kaido couldn't help but let out a cry of exclamation.

 Human power always seems so vulnerable in the face of the power of nature.


The terrifying whirlpool created a powerful current, and the sound of the current was like the wrath of the sea god, like the great bell of Honglu.

  It explodes in the depths of everyone’s soul, deafening.

 So much so that everyone’s ears are buzzing now.

 The moist water vapor clung to their bodies and wet their clothes all of a sudden.

 The final place is not that easy to get to!

Their ships were originally very big, but in front of this whirlpool, they were as small as dust.

 There is no way, this vortex covers a radius of ten miles.

 Not even Natsume Yang could freeze on his own.

 The powerful twisting power may not be able to benefit even a strong person like Kaido.

 Since entering, their ships have completely lost their autonomy.

It continued to spin completely following the whirlpool, and made a faint, overwhelmed squeaking sound.

You know, these ships are all made by Baoshu Adam.

 This is the strongest material in the world. Even if it is subjected to a force of more than 100,000 kilograms, it will only dent slightly and will not make such a sound.

 This shows how terrifying this whirlpool is.

 The helmsman on the ship has begun to panic. Even people like Hawkins are a little pale.

This is a terrifying whirlpool with a radius of ten miles. The natural dangers they experienced before were just like children's play.

It can be said that once you fall, you will die without a whole body!

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