“Hahaha, then I’ll wait and see!”

 In the past, Natsume Yang might have taught Luffy how to behave, but now, it doesn’t matter!

 On the sea not far away!

“Look, is that the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates? Captain, this is a fat sheep!”

 A large ship appeared about five hundred meters behind the Wanli Sunshine. A man put down his telescope and pointed at Luffy and the others and said.

“Jie Jie Jie, since we met here, we naturally can’t let him go!”

 A tall, muscular man showed a cheerful smile.

 Then, he said to the people behind him: "Brothers, speed up and kill the Straw Hat Pirates and annex their treasures!"

 “Hey hey hey, got it, boss!”

Everyone also showed proud smiles, their eyes full of ferocious greed.

 Their name is the Strong Fist Pirates, their captain is Strong Fist Venaz, and they have a bounty of 490,000 Baileys! "

“He was originally a lieutenant general of a branch of the navy, but later defected because he violated naval regulations.”

“The total bounty of the entire pirate group is close to one billion, which can be considered medium even in the New World.

From their point of view, dealing with a new pirate group like the Straw Hat Pirates is not something they can easily capture.

Hence, they aimed all the turrets on one side at the Wanli Sunshine and prepared to fire!


Just when they were still three hundred meters away from the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, all three members of the Straw Hat Pirates' eyes suddenly lit up and they looked back.

“Hey, they actually found us. It seems that being able to come to the new world is not entirely due to luck!”

Vinazi frowned and said slightly surprised.

"However, this still cannot change your fate of being annexed. Your road ends here!"

He, Vinaz, has never missed anything he likes!

 “Looks like an enemy is coming!”

Zauron pulled out the sword, his face full of excitement, his eyes like a bloodthirsty Shura.

“Ah, it seems that someone thinks there is a lot of treasure on our ship!”

Xiangjishi lit a cigarette to take some time to talk.

"Then let's have a big fight. No one will be allowed to destroy the Wanli Sunshine!" Luffy said to Fist.

 “No, it’s not a good time to ruin Robin’s translation!”

"Their road has come to an end! If you want to blame them, just blame their bad luck today!"

Just when Luffy and the others were about to set off, Natsume Yang's smiling voice suddenly came from behind the three of them.

 “Bai Ling, go!”

 Xia Muyang looked at Bai Ling who was eager to try.

 “Understood, Natsumeyo-sama!”

Bai Ling immediately turned into a phantom and disappeared from the place!

Bai Ling has been in the world of One Piece for so long and has never had a chance to show off his skills.

  It was Natsume Yang who had forgotten it before. Now that there is an opportunity today, he cannot let it go!

“Hehehehe, I won’t listen to you. Let’s see who can kill more enemies based on their ability!”

 However, Luffy and others had no intention of watching a show.

Luffy grabbed Zoro with one hand, and directly grabbed Ghost's paw with the other hand, and rushed towards Venus and the others at high speed.


Sanjis stepped directly on the moon steps and rushed towards Venus as if walking on the air.

“Are you rushing towards us? Hey, hey, a new person is a new person, and he really overestimates his ability to do things!”

 “Do you really think that I am someone you can mess with casually? How stupid!”

  Seeing Luffy and others rushing over, Vinaz had a sneer on his face.

 He didn't think he would lose to Luffy and the others.

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