“Have you ever felt the feeling of being kicked by light?”

Kizaru suddenly appeared from behind Natsume Yang, and just as he was about to shoot out, he saw a cold light suddenly flash in Natsume Yang's hand.

He felt an instant stinging pain in his body, and he quickly transformed into elements. Immediately, his body was cut into two pieces.


Then, he received a solid punch from Natsume Yang on the chest and was thrown away like a kite with a broken string.

 “Well, well, it’s really dangerous, we almost...!”

Kizaru had just appeared, and after saying less than two words, his expression suddenly changed, and his hands glowed and he pulled out a lightsaber.

Then, he turned around and slashed behind him.


 I saw Kizaru and Natsume Yang colliding hard together. The ice under their feet cracked instantly, and the rolling air waves even destroyed many ice branches.

 Two swordsmen, both good at speed, started to compete.




 The long swords in the hands of the two men have almost disappeared!

Only the trembling sky, the trembling air, the constantly shooting sparks, and the cathartic but wanton wind and waves witnessed how crazy the battle between the two was.

 The place where the two men fought was completely in ruins.

Within a radius of 500 meters, the cracks were unimaginable, seawater gurgled out, and then froze again.

Kizaru began to complain secretly in his heart. Natsume Yang's swordsmanship took into account most of the characteristics of the wind.

  Violent, sharp, and agile, and Xia Muyang is the master of it all, it is already starting to make him unable to hold on.



Suddenly, two tearing sounds were heard in the air, and then, two lines of blood sputtered out of the air.

Kizaru's movements suddenly stagnated, and then Natsume Yang seized the opportunity. The ice spirit sword was covered with armed domineering force and flew down from the air.

Kizaru screamed, but he still managed to avoid the critical point, and Natsume Yang tore a long **** under his ribs.


  Since Kizaru became a general, he has not suffered such a trauma for a long time, and he has retreated repeatedly.

 “How powerful is this guy now?”

  Looking at Natsume Yang, who looked relaxed and happy, Kizaru couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

 “Gravity Knife Pressure!”

Just when Natsume Yang was about to charge forward again, Fujitora suddenly drew his sword and swung a purple sword energy that exploded.


In an instant, the gravity around him increased nearly a hundred times.

The ice under Xia Muyang's feet exploded directly, opening a pit more than ten meters deep, and it continued to explode!

 This is to press him directly into the ocean.




Moreover, under the pressure of this gravity, the ice branches actually slowly exploded.

 The speed also slowed down, and it was no longer possible to have any impact on them.


 Fujitora actually strengthened gravity again!

 Natsume Yang feels that this gravity is definitely comparable to the gravity space that Princess Kaguya had back then!

 My body felt like it was filled with lead, and it was so difficult to move my fingers.

It was like a mountain was pressed on his back, and he was about to be crushed into a pulp. He was worthy of being a naval monster Fujitora, he was so strong that it was frightening.

Even Kizaru seems to be a little affected in his elemental state, and his form is a little swaying.

The frozen navy, under the pressure of this gravity that exceeded normal conditions, actually exploded from the ice sculptures.

  It’s just that you can’t wake up in an instant.

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