The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1029: Wulaoxing really thinks highly of me

 Let’s go to Natsume Yang!

“Oh my god, two generals and so many naval elites were dispatched to intercept me alone. What an honor!”

Suddenly, Xia Muyang stopped. There were more than a dozen warships parked on the sea in front of him, all of them were elites in the navy.

 The leaders are the veteran general Kizaru Porusalino and the new general Fujitora Yixiao!

 On the warships behind them, the main ones were Lieutenant Generals like Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel!

It can be said that half of the naval force was deployed just to intercept him alone.

“Well, well, there’s nothing I can do about it, who made you become so terrifying and terrifying now!”

“A general is no match for you, so we have to go together!”

Kizaru curled his lips, still looking listless.

“Although I can’t see you and this is my first time meeting you, I can feel your powerful aura, which is almost suffocating me!”

 Fujitora also spoke out, extremely solemn.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so flattered to be praised like this by two monster generals!”

Xia Muyang sat down on Bai Ling's back and continued: "So, what are you going to do?"

“Shall you let me go, or fight with me. After I **** you, I will go over again!”

"I must go see the historical monument, and I must go to Larudev. This is not something that can be stopped by your navy or the world government with or without permission!"

What Xia Muyang said was quite rude, which made the faces of the lieutenant generals present suddenly darken.

“Shut up, you are a garbage on the sea. How can the majesty of the navy not tolerate your provocation?”

  A tall lieutenant general puffed his beard and shouted angrily with eyes wide open. Not to mention, he was quite majestic.

 “What about the garbage on the sea? It’s quite appropriate!”

Unexpectedly, Xia Muyang was not angry after hearing this, but showed a trace of satisfaction.

“Natsume Yang, don’t you understand the consequences of doing this?”

“Do you want to watch the sea become turbulent and cause the business under your own influence to be severely damaged?”

After all, Flying Squirrel is a senior lieutenant general, and what he says is different.

"I have considered all these, but compared to Larudev's secret, my business is nothing!"

 “Business can be done at any time, but this secret is different!”

 Xia Muyang's words made all the navy feel trembling in their hearts.

 They know that in the end, the only solution is to go to war!

 “In other words, we have to start a war, little friend!”

 Fujitora opened his white eyes and looked in the direction of Natsume Yang.

 “That’s pretty much what it means!”

"The sea is a place where whoever has a bigger fist is more reasonable. I think you all should understand the truth!" Xia Muyang said with a smile.

 “Well, well, it seems there’s no point in talking about it!”

Kizaru raised his hand very lazily and fired a laser beam at Natsume Yang.


 Natsume Yang did not dodge or dodge, wrapped his fists with armed domineering, and scattered the laser beam with one punch!

 “Gravity Knife. Tiger!”

 Fujitora drew out his sword and slashed a purple sword energy at Natsume Yang.

 “Swordsmanship of the Wind!”

Fujitora's move, Natsume Yo, is very clear about its power. It can even distort space, so it cannot be underestimated.


The moment the sharp sword energy collided with the heavy sword energy, the space directly emitted a buzzing high-speed vibration, spreading and twisting towards the surroundings.

The sea with a radius of several hundred meters collapsed into a crater of more than two meters. Many warships were directly crushed, and all the navy fell into the sea.

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