The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1020: You deserve a bounty of 400 million

“The last person who spoke to me like this is no longer a scumbag. Do you want to be no scumbag too?”

Natsume Yang didn’t even raise his head, and said the harshest words in a normal tone.

 This made Uncle Straw Hat suddenly lose his temper!

“Hey, hey, where did this kid come from? He sounds so crazy!”

“I don’t know if I will become a scumbag, but I know that as long as I pull the trigger, you will die!”

Uncle Straw Hat said with a ferocious face.

As he spoke, his hand had already pulled the trigger halfway!

Everyone in the tavern suddenly became frightened.

   The compatriots of Uncle Straw Hat had sneers on their faces, as if they wanted to watch Natsume Yang’s head blossom.

 “This boy is really not afraid of tigers like a newborn calf!”

“You don’t even know about the reputation of our Straw Hat Pirates, and you dare to provoke us. You really don’t even know how to write the word “death”!

The short, fat woman dressed as Nami curled her lips and mocked.

 “Haha, if the Straw Hat Pirates were all like you, they would really be hopeless!”

Xia Muyang reached out and turned away the muzzle of the gun on his head, and then looked at them with a joking look on their faces.

“Two years ago, in a tavern on an island, there was a pirate named Magician Chris, pretending to be the Ice Emperor Natsume Yo!”

“Then I happened to meet the real owner. At that time, he also made the same move as you!”

“Not only did he put a gun to Natsume Yang’s head, he also said the same words as you!”

"Then, he successfully attracted the admiral, and then his throat was kicked to pieces by the real leader, Natsume Yo, and he died in pain!"

After a pause, Xia Muyang said threateningly: "Everyone, there is a price to pay for cheating!"

“It’s too late to regret now, it won’t be worth dying by then!”

Uncle Straw Hat immediately shouted in a fierce tone: "Who are you trying to scare? We are the real Straw Hat Pirates. If you dare to offend us, I want you...!"


Before the straw hat man could finish his words, he was slapped to the ground by Natsume Yang, and two of his teeth were knocked out.

 “Straw Hat Luffy is not trash like you!”

Xia Muyang glanced at him with an indifferent look. The angry straw hat man couldn't help but shudder when he met Xia Muyang's eyes, and his heart was filled with fear.

That look was so indifferent and proud, making him feel like an ant that could be easily crushed to death by Xia Muyang.

 But immediately afterwards, he felt a surge of anger.

As a big pirate with a bounty of "400 million", a person who is famous all over the world, he was actually beaten by a kid. It is unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable.

“You guy, how dare you let me lose such a big face in front of so many people, I will use your blood to wash away my shame, go to hell!”

The straw hat man got up, picked up his pistol and shot Natsume Yang in the head.

 “Hahaha, this is what you get for provoking me!”

  After firing a shot, the straw hat man laughed triumphantly, as if Natsume Yang had been killed by him.

“You can get a reward of 400 million for this kind of marksmanship. I’m afraid the navy is all blind. If it were me, I would think highly of you if I gave you 10 million!”

At this moment, Natsume Yang's sarcastic voice came again, causing the straw hat uncle's smile to freeze on his face...

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