The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1010: You don’t want your brain to bloom, do you?

 “Natsume Yang, you win!”

 After saying this, Kaido seemed to have become decadent in an instant, with a look of defeat in his eyes.

"Hahaha, Kaido, even if you are still a little conscious, you finally made a right decision!"

 “Very good, that’s the way it is!”

 Natsume Yang looked at Kaido with great satisfaction and said, and then unlocked the Ice Forest Cong Lin!

Then, before Kaido had time to react, Natsume Yang ejected another light point and injected it into his head.

“That thing just now is called the soul-controlling curse!”

"As long as you have the slightest idea of ​​betraying me, your head will explode in an instant, and even I can't save you!"

“So, take care of yourself, Kaido, and don’t let others see the joke!”

“It would be a shame to let others know about Kaido, the majestic immortal **** of war, but he died due to a headshot!”

“You will still be responsible for handling the affairs of the Ice Emperor Pirates, but the decision-making power is in my hands. Do you understand?”

 “I’m not afraid of you fooling me, unless you are joking with your own life!”

Natsume Yang was suspended in front of Kaido and scolded him seriously.

This is a rather inconsistent scene. A fierce man with a height of more than ten meters was scolded by a young man and nodded repeatedly.

 However, the scene actually happened.

“Let’s go, take me to the place where you store the stone tablets that guide the historical texts. I want to take a look!”

Since you have come to Kaido, you can’t help but look at the historical stone tablet here!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement of ‘establishing a force’, and will be rewarded with intermediate-level armed color domineering and reputation +100!”

After reading the historical text guide stone in Kaido’s hand, he made a rubbing of it.

 And in his mind, the voice of the system immediately came.

 “Is the color of the intermediate weapon domineering? It’s interesting!”

 Natsume Yang has temporarily settled in the new world.

 On the one hand, it was because Kanyue Qianxia needed to rest due to her injuries.

On the other hand, because of the newly renamed Ice King Pirates, there are naturally many people who are obedient on the surface but disobedient on the inside, and they need Natsume Yang to intimidate them.

However, the bombshell news that Natsume Yo suppressed the entire Beast Pirates alone and had to change his name to Ice Emperor Natsume Yo was quickly spread across the sea.

 In an instant, the whole sea was boiling!

 Then, it exploded!

What they heard was that Natsume Yang defeated the entire Beast Pirates alone and asked them to change their name to the Ice King Pirates.

 Oh my God, the bunker is broken!

That is Kaido, the man who is considered to be the most powerful man in the world!

Hundred beasts Kaido actually lowered his proud head and made one of the four emperors surrender.

How powerful Natsume Yo must be to make Kaido surrender!

Pirates all over the sea instantly regarded Natsume Yang as their idol.

 The pirates suddenly went crazy!

 I thought it would be terrifying enough for Natsume Yo to be able to challenge a general alone!

Unexpectedly, only a year later, he had all the four emperors surrendered, and he even recruited other people's pirate groups!

 Would it be so fierce, should it be so real?

 Naval Headquarters!

 “Asshole, why don’t you go to the New World and become a pirate instead of being a good Shichibukai!”

 “Damn Natsume Yang, can’t you just calm down?”

"Look at the good things you have done. Now the whole world is in chaos. Can you bear this responsibility?"

Marshal Sakaski roared wildly and slammed his hands on the table, knocking all the information on the table to the ground!

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