The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 1008: Use your pirate team to calm my anger

 She wanted to beg for mercy, but found that she was too frightened to speak!

She had no idea that even the mighty Yonko Kaido could not stop Natsume Yang.

 Looking at the relaxed expression on Natsume Yang’s face, it’s obvious that he hasn’t tried his best yet!

"Since you don't speak, I will make the choice for you. Anyone who touches my woman has only one choice, die!"

With that said, Xia Muyang opened his hand and shook it, and Miss Ba Jin's body began to freeze.

 Then, piece by piece broke into pieces, causing her to slowly die in great pain and fear.

 As for her silly son? Even Kaido can't break free from the ice branch, can he break free?

 “Quinn, you’re next!”

Looking at the hideous-looking Quinn who was in pain due to the loss of his arms, Natsume Yang reached out and grabbed his head directly!

 “When you are reincarnated in the next life, remember to keep your eyes open!”


Xia Muyang's arms suddenly exerted force, and the wind sword skill exploded, and blood spattered immediately. Quinn's eyes widened, his legs kicked off, and his neck fell to the side.

Disaster Quinn, one of the three disasters that shocked the New World, died like this!

 “Kaido, tell me, what should I do with you?”

 He raised his hand and lightly scratched Kaido's body, and blood spattered, "It's a pity that such a strong body doesn't need to be used as a toy!"

“Using the body of Kaido, one of the four emperors, as a toy would be a very cool thing, what do you think?”

Natsume Yang stopped in front of Kaido and said with a smile.

 “Tell me your terms!”

Kaido doesn’t talk nonsense to Natsume Yo at all!

"Be my slave/slave, and the entire pirate group will be renamed the Ice King Pirates for my use. I will use it to offset your small life and calm my anger!"

Xia Muyang took out an apple, rubbed it on his body, took a bite and said.


Kaido refused without thinking!

 Are you kidding? Kaido has worked hard to develop for so long before he established the Beast Pirates.

How could it be possible for Natsume Yang to occupy the magpie's nest like this!

 “It seems you haven’t understood your current situation yet!”

 “The Immortal Ice Emperor’s Great Thousand Worlds!”

Xia Muyang pointed to the sky with his right hand, and then, endless ice-cold power spurted out, turning into a giant sword that reached 100 meters into the sky.

 “Tell me, how does your body compare with this island?”

The ice sword crushed the air and fell violently.

The next moment, the wind roared violently, terrifying sharp energy raged out in all directions, and the surface of the sea was suddenly cut into countless pieces.


With a loud bang, Kaido's base camp, a small island with an area of ​​nearly several kilometers, was cut in half like a tofu cube.

Then, it rumbled and sank to the bottom of the sea.

 Suddenly, the sea seemed to have turned over, rumbling and trembling.

Ten thousand huge waves surged into the sky, and the wind and waves roared, making it look like the end of the world was coming.

 The sea was even split into a large crack with bottomless depth and a length that could not be seen at a glance.

Even the world's greatest swordsman, Eagle Eye, cannot achieve this spectacular sight.

"What do you think, Kaido, which one is more important, life or the name of the Yonko?"

 “I want your life, it’s so easy!”

"It's just that you are still valuable to me, so I will spare your life!"

Natsume Yang took another bite of the apple. Below Kaido and the others, the sea had turned into a huge whirlpool, capable of swallowing everything in.

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