Just when Lin Jue finished speaking,

With a "plop", Yae Sakura fell down weakly.

Everyone was shocked, Kiana quickly helped Yae Sakura up

"Sister Sakura! What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine"

Yae Sakura's voice was like silk, and her expression was painful.


Strange laughter suddenly came from all around.

A black flame ignited, and then, Hijamaru appeared in the flames.

This time, it is not in its previous puppet state, but in its complete state - a big white fox.

The fox has a red three-magatama forehead pattern and eye shadow, and is tied with a rope. Its four fiery red legs are restlessly moving, as if it is about to attack the person in front of it at any time.

"Hehehe, this silly woman just did what I planned. She sacrificed the stigmata in her body to save a dying little girl. She probably won't live long. But that's good."

The fox smiled disdainfully: "In this way, my plan has reached the final stage."

As he spoke, several black flames suddenly penetrated the void and appeared directly in front of Lin Jue.

Lin Jue and others had been alert the moment Fei Jing Wan appeared, and they immediately reacted and dodged the blow.

Kiana was carrying Bronya on her back and it was difficult to support Yae Sakura, so Mei picked up Yae Sakura and hid aside.

"No, no, no, Xiaojue, she can't beat Hijamaru." Yae Sakura's hands were trembling as she struggled to get down to fight.

"Sister Ying, don't be brave, believe in Lin Jue and believe in us."

Mei Yi carried Yae Sakura on her back and hid aside, waiting for the opportunity.

Kiana is similar to Mei. Due to Bronya's injury, she also hid aside and waited for opportunities.

Of course, the reason they all chose to do this is because

There is only one target for Hijamaru's attack - Lin Jue.

Black heat continued to emerge from the void, and a burning sensation came from every piece of skin.

Lin Jue said nothing, staring at the demon fox in front of him, his whole body tense.


With a sneer, the demon fox opened its mouth.

A huge pillar-shaped beam of black flames erupted from the mouth of Hidokumaru.

"The stars are falling in the sky!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Jue understood the gap between him and Hiyokumaru and directly used the eighth form of the meteor.

A bright starry sky suddenly appeared in the sky with thousands of miles of dark clouds, and there was a brilliant galaxy in it.

The starry sky is not very large, but it looks out of place in the cloudless sky.

The galaxy is about several miles long, and it is emitting little bits of starlight at the moment.

The starry sky and the galaxy echoed the Lingxi knife in Lin Jue's hand.

The space around Lin Jue solidified in an instant, and the black flame column emitted by Fei Jie Wan also stopped.

With this blow, Lin Jue knew that he could not hold anything back. The starry sky in the sky emits several rays of starlight, which merge into the Lingxi Knife.

Lin Jue swung the knife.

The river of stars swirled, as if appearing next to Lin Jue, flowing in the direction in which the Lingxi Knife was swung.

As a result, a brilliant sword light burst out from the Lingxi sword and collided with the black flame pillar of Hijamaru.


The huge shock wave knocked Feijomare back a few steps and knocked Lin Jue flying several meters away. If Lin Jue hadn't stabbed the Lingxi knife into the ground in time to stabilize his body, he didn't know whether he would have been knocked away.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days. Should I say you have become stronger or weaker?" Feijomaru seemed to be surprised by the intensity of Lin Jue's blow.

"But if you can stop it once, can you stop it the second time?"

Hijamaru wanted to open his mouth again and launch an attack.

Suddenly, several artillery fire hit it.

"Heavy-armed Rabbit 19c, fire coverage!"

A dense group of artillery poured in, and Hijamaru had to stop his original actions.

It raised its front paws and waved forward.

The dense artillery group split into two and exploded in mid-air.

Before Heigomaru lowered his front paw, a thick mechanical cat's claw broke through the void and struck at Heigomaru's front paw.

Hijamaru did not expect this blow and did not dodge it. Its front paw was hit, its body tilted, its center of gravity was unstable, and it seemed to fall to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Meiyi immediately rushed forward.


The Valkyrie Armor - Crimson was operating at full power, and Mei swung the sword in her hand.

A huge sword light almost hit Hei Jia Maru's body.

Suddenly, dust was everywhere, covering everything, and it was impossible to see what happened to Hei Jia Wan after being struck several times by the sword.

Meiyi felt something was wrong in her heart and quickly backed away.

At this time, another pillar of black flames shot straight towards Mei Yi.

Mei used the special feature of the crimson suit to jump into the sky and dodge the attack.

"Uh uh uh ah ah ah ah ah, a group of ants dare to attack me?"

The dust dispersed, revealing the Higoku Maru inside.

At this time, a conspicuous scar appeared in front of everyone on Hijamaru's body, with blood dripping from it.

"In this case, you all will die!"

Hijamaru looked up to the sky and howled.

Along with the howling, the ground became hot, and magma pillars erupted from the ground one after another.

In mid-air, fireballs appeared one after another, hitting everyone.

It was like a scene at the end of the world. Kiana was carrying Bronya on her back. She didn't dodge quickly and was hit by the fireball.

Kiana groaned and swallowed the blood that reached her throat.

"Reload bunny, fire!"

Bronya, who was on Kiana's back, could only constantly control the heavily armored rabbit to fire artillery, trying her best to eliminate the fireballs in the air and buy time for her teammates.

But he avoided attacks from the sky and from the ground.


Meiyi accidentally avoided the magma column that erupted from the ground.

She was knocked away and fell to the side, with Yae Sakura on her back also falling to the ground.

"Ahem, we can't give up yet." Mei gritted her teeth and carried Yae Sakura on her back again.

On the other side, Lin Jue was attracting Hiyokumaru's attention.

"The sun is falling!"

The Lingxi Knife radiated light and set like the sun.

Hijamaru swung his tail and collided directly with the Lingxi Knife.


Lin Jue was knocked away together with Ling Xi in his hand.

Hiyokumaru didn't care about the scar on his tail and rushed directly to Lin Jue.

It raised its front paws.

Lin Jue gritted his teeth.

"Jiko, if you don't come again, I will fight tooth and nail."

After such a long time, Lin Jue certainly had the power of the world's origin in his body, but once the power of the world's origin was used, it was almost like fighting for his life.

——Although you can use part of the world's original power to hang your life, the cost is greater, which is equivalent to damaging Lin Jue's physique. If you keep using it like this, one day Lin Jue's physique will be completely destroyed.

Finally, just when Feijomaru was about to drop its front paw, Lin Jue heard that familiar voice.

"Get out of here, mother!!!"

The bright red figure flashed over in an instant. She brandished her big sword and had a direct fight with Hijamaru!

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