The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 79 The conspiracy is revealed

Inside Senba Academy

Ji Zi swung her sword hard and broke open the thick school gate.

"Theresa!" Himeko shouted as she rushed into the school.

The voice echoed in the school, but no one responded.

Yae Sakura followed closely. She looked around and found a little girl lying in front of them: "Himeko, don't be anxious yet. Look over there."

Yae Sakura pointed in a direction, and Himeko looked in the direction, frowned, and cautiously stepped forward to check.

"She is dead." Jizi touched the little girl with her big sword, only to find that the little girl's body had been split into two halves. "Although she is dead, there is still a lot of Honkai energy gathered in her body. It should be the Lawyer that Theresa wants to defeat."

Jizi came forward and took a closer look: "It was Theresa who did it. She has the aura of Judas on her body."

"Judas, that is?"

"It's Teresa's weapon," Jizi explained, "its full name is Judah's Oath, the Eleventh God's Key."

"Uh, what is the eleventh divine key?"

Himeko glanced at Yae Sakura in surprise: "What I just said should not be a secret."

Seeing Yae Sakura's helpless smile, Himeko shook her head: "Let's talk about it later, the key now is - where is Theresa?"

The news that came before was that Theresa fell into the Herrscher's scheme, was poisoned, and was in danger. But now Herrscher Herrscher has apparently been killed by Teresa.

Jizi still trusts Theresa's strength. As the only S-class Valkyrie with a destiny, there is no problem in killing a Herrscher who was obviously just born.

However, since Theresa killed the Herrscher, if she had been poisoned, based on Himeko's understanding of Theresa, she would have stayed where she was and waited for rescue. However, Teresa was not found at the scene.

Then there are two possibilities, either the intelligence from the rear personnel was wrong, or Theresa encountered new troubles after killing the Herrscher, causing her to have to leave here.

Seeing that Himeko was deep in thought, Yae Sakura surveyed the scene, then went back and said to Himeko: "In addition to the traces of battle, there were also some blood-stained pieces of clothes that were worn by Principal Teresa on weekdays. The nun's uniform disappeared from the iron gate next to the hall in the school. Maybe Teresa left from there. How about we ask the people at the rear if there is any new information."

Hearing this, Jizi opened the terminal and prepared to contact the rear personnel.

Suddenly Jizi's hand froze.

"Sakura, did you use my terminal to send them the message?"

"No, I don't even understand how to operate this thing yet." Yae Sakura smiled helplessly at first, and then she realized something was wrong, "Wait a minute, let's say this."

Himeko showed the terminal to Yae Sakura.

There is a message on it, which is sent to Bronya. The message is: Theresa fell into a trap when she was attacking the Herrscher. She was poisoned and was in danger. You all rush to the castle tower immediately. be quick!

"It's Hijimaru." Yae Sakura said slowly, "As the twelfth Herrscher of the pre-civilization era, the Herrscher of Corrosion, it is an ultimate virus with self-awareness. Its ability is to corrode, whether it is human beings, Both beasts and machines can be controlled."

Jizi's expression was very gloomy: "I'm afraid, Teresa has also met Heigomaru."

"We must return to the castle tower immediately." Yae Sakura analyzed. "Given the hatred that Heigomaru has for Lin Jue, if it has the ability to kill Lin Jue directly, it will definitely not use such roundabout methods. We You have to go there first. And if the principal of the academy also encounters Heigomaru, she should be fine. He is not even sure of killing Lin Jue, let alone the principal."

"No, the previous news said that Theresa was poisoned. This is what I am most worried about." Jizi punched the floor hard, "Damn it, just in case, we split up. Sakura, You go all the way to where the pieces of clothing disappeared before you find it, and I'll go to the castle tower to stop Lin Jue."

"Okay." Time waits for no one. After answering, Yae Sakura left immediately.

Himeko returned the same way, preparing to go to the castle tower.

"No matter what means you have, Hijamaru. I will never let you hurt my students!"

Ji Zi said secretly in her heart.

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