The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

【Extra】Happy birthday Bronya!

In the vast universe, in a certain galaxy.

A huge warship is moving slowly.

In a certain room of the battleship, Bronya was lying on her stomach playing a game. White and slender fingers controlled the game controller, making a "click" sound.

On the side, Lin Jue was also controlling the game controller. He is playing online with Bronya.

The two operate in perfect harmony and are quite skilled in technique. After a while, the two of them fought together to reach the final boss.

"Is this game developed by that little guy?"

Seeing the appearance of the final boss, Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth and asked Bronya.

Bronya chuckled: "It's her. This is a birthday gift she specially made for Bronya."

It was indeed her, and she was the only one who knew about it.

Lin Jue felt a little emotional when he remembered what happened after he and Bronya smashed that inhuman thing.

"It's been so long."

Bronya nodded and said, "Yes, I used to always want to have time to rest, but now I hope to have something to do."

After a lot of trouble, Lin Jue and Bronya successfully defeated the final boss by controlling the characters.

After the boss fell, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief: "I haven't played games with Bronya for a long time, and my skills are a bit rusty."

"The same goes for Bronya, I haven't played for a long time." Bronya received the equipment dropped by the boss and then quit the game.

After clearing the game, Lin Jue and Bronya played the online battle mode.

"In battle mode, I was able to fight Bronya 50-50 at first, but now I should be able to completely torture her."

After muttering a few words in his heart, Lin Jue couldn't wait to start the game.

Bronya noticed Lin Jue's impatience and smiled imperceptibly.

"Damn it, I have to do it this time"


"Ah ah ah, I don't want to play anymore. I don't want to play anymore."

After more than 300 consecutive defeats, Lin Jue threw the controller away and lay weakly on the sofa, his eyes wandering.

"Can't you let it go a little bit?"

Seeing Lin Jue's deflated look, Bronya smiled and said, "Brother Lin Jue broke the myth of the undefeated Alloy Fang Brownie, but Bronya has always remembered it~"

"Sure enough, women are all vengeful creatures."

I thought that when I became stronger, I would be able to completely torture Bronya, but I didn't expect that she would be completely tortured by Bronya.

Forgetting the abuse, Bronya kept teasing Lin Jue, deliberately controlling the situation so that Lin Jue would almost win every time, making Lin Jue unwilling to continue playing.

The most outrageous thing is that after every fight, he would say, "What a pity, brother Lin Jue almost won."

It’s simply murderous and heartbreaking! ! !

unacceptable! ! ! !

Lin Jue looked at Bronya with resentful eyes.

Bronya laughed out loud when she saw Lin Jue's daughter-in-law acting like she was angry.

Suddenly, Lin Jue felt something and said to Bronya: "Shh~"

Later, Lin Jue quietly came to the door. Pull the door sharply.

The door was opened and the two white-haired dumplings fell to the ground together.


Then, the two white-haired dumplings quickly got up and patted themselves as if nothing happened.

One of them said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Ah, Lin Jue, you are here."

"Haha." Lin Jue said angrily.

"I don't know what you two are thinking, huh? Theresa, and Kiana?"

Theresa scratched her head in embarrassment and looked at the wall guiltily.

Kiana also looked at the wall, as if there was something on the wall worthy of her study.

From behind, Bronya came over.

Because Bronya was lying on the ground when she just played the game, she now looks a little disheveled.

Kiana noticed Bronya's appearance, her eyes widened and she said, "You really took advantage of us when we weren't paying attention."

Before she finished speaking, Qiana was shocked by Lin Jue.

"Hey~ It hurts so much." Kiana said with a grin on her face, covering the spot where Lin Jue knocked her.

"Sure enough, stupid Kiana is stupid Kiana."

Bronya said calmly when she saw Kiana being beaten.

"However, I haven't seen Kiana look like this for a long time."

"It's heartbreaking to think about her at that time."

The last sentence was what Bronya said in her heart.

Theresa no longer looked at the wall at this time, and echoed Bronya's words with emotion: "Yes, Kiana looks really good now."

Kiana's face twitched: "Auntie, your focus is not on me, right? Look at Bronya's appearance."

"Okay, okay." Lin Jue interrupted Kiana with a black line on his face, "I told Bronya that she was just playing games, it's not what you imagined."

"Really?" Kiana looked back and forth between Lin Jue and Bronya.

"Okay, okay, Kiana, Bronya's birthday party is ready, let's go."

Theresa remembered the real purpose of coming here with Kiana, and ended the topic.

Lin Jue nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

Inside the battleship, the hall that was originally used to gather soldiers has now been transformed.

There were balloons and streamers everywhere, and a banner right above that said "Happy Birthday Bronya!"

Seele put the huge Hom cake on the table, and Mei was helping.

Fu Hua and Ji Zi had finished the task of setting up the environment and were playing games together on the battleship.

Rita was holding a camera and capturing wonderful moments.

Yae Sakura and Yulandel put away everyone's birthday gifts for Bronya, and then served all kinds of food on the huge table.

The elevator door opened, and Lin Jue and the other four came to the lobby.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods!"

Kiana saw the table full of food, and her eyes lit up.

Bronya heard Kiana's words and said helplessly: "It's still the paramecium."

"Indeed." Lin Jue and Theresa agreed very much.

Ji Zi stopped the game when she saw Lin Jue and the others coming.

"Oh, our birthday girl is here."

Bronya greeted Ji Zi: "Teacher Ji Zi."

Kiana, who saw Ji Zi, shouted loudly: "Aunt Ji Zi!"

Ji Zi, who was walking towards Bronya, almost fell.

"Kiana, how many times have I told you not to call me auntie?"

Kiana put away her playful smile after finding that Jizi was going berserk, but still smiled and said to Jizi: "I was joking, Jizi teacher."

Jizi nodded with satisfaction.

Fu Hua said: "It's almost done, we can start."

At the birthday party, everyone sang a birthday song for Bronya.

"Happy birthday to you~"

"Happy birthday~ to you~"

After Bronya made a wish, she blew out the candles.

She looked at the people around her and said with a smile: "Let's eat."

As soon as she finished speaking, suddenly, a huge cake came over.

It not only hit Bronya's face, but also splashed on the people next to her.

Bronya, who was hit by the cake, had no expression on her face, but just picked up the cake nearby.

In the distance, Lin Jue, who noticed that something was wrong, turned around and dodged Bronya's cake. He threw another one out casually.

The two continued to fight.

Cakes came and went.

Mei looked at the Homu cake she had carefully made and shook her head: "I knew it would be like this."

Suddenly, a cake also hit Mei's face.

Next to her, Kiana originally wanted to throw Lin Jue, but missed. She found that she had thrown it to Mei and was about to apologize, but was hit by the cake thrown by Theresa.

Theresa said embarrassedly: "Hey, I didn't throw it well."

She originally wanted to throw Lin Jue as well.

But Theresa's apology was obviously useless. A piece of cake was thrown by Kiana and hit Theresa's head accurately.

"Hit the bull's eye!" Kiana saw that she had hit it perfectly this time and jumped up happily.

As a result, it just happened to meet Mei's cake.

Mei showed a gentle smile: "Kiana, I didn't say I would let you go."

Kiana picked up the cake and said: "Then let's fight!"

Kiana, Mei and Theresa gradually formed a melee situation.

On the other side, Rita was still taking pictures, and she sighed as she took pictures: "Beautiful moments are like now, everyone is having fun together."

Suddenly! A cake flew over.


Rita, who was hit by the cake: ""

The broken cake flowed down from Rita's head, and Rita put the camera down and smiled brightly.

Then she picked up the cake???

Yulan Daier and Yaezakura were just hiding far away, watching the show with a smile on the side.

Until Lin Jue's two cakes hit them accurately.

Ding! The number of members in the camp chasing Lin Jue increased by two.

Seele was just smiling and watching them play, until she was accidentally injured by Lin Jue and followed Bronya to join the camp chasing Lin Jue.

In the end, Lin Jue was too happy, throwing a piece here and there, and every time he threw, he would hit one. So, he successfully attracted everyone's hatred.

Lin Jue found that everyone was chasing him, and felt bad. When he was about to leave the hall to avoid being chased,

Stan, the pet cat of Orlandel, jumped out from nowhere and tripped Lin Jue.

Lin Jue lost his balance for a moment.

In the back, Bronya saw the right moment.

"Heavy Bunny 19C, fire!"

A piece of cake was fired and hit Lin Jue.

The huge force made Lin Jue completely lose his balance and fall to the ground.

At the moment of falling, Lin Jue thought

"It's over."

Sure enough, the moment Lin Jue fell to the ground, he was drowned by countless cakes.

After a minute of collective tyranny, Lin Jue finally succeeded in getting rid of the cake because it was gone.

"Huh, it's so cool, I'll make more cakes next time."

Meiyi breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't played like this for a long time.

Lin Jue complained: "You make cakes just to throw them?"

"Remind someone, if you hadn't started it first, we should have been eating happily." Orlandel said unhappily.

Because of Lin Jue's initial troublemaking, everyone present was involved in the cake war. The beautiful clothes that I had carefully selected were all stained.

"Ahem, I just couldn't help it. Besides, you had so much fun just now."

Lin Jue said confidently without any embarrassment.

So Lin Jue looked proud and attracted another beating from the crowd.

"Okay, okay," Yae Sakura finally came to Lin Jue's rescue, "I haven't even opened my birthday gift yet because of Xiao Jue's troubles."

Only then did the girls remember that they still had unopened birthday gifts.

"Forget it, I'll let you go first." Youlandel waved his hand.

Lin Jue's body was still so hard that his hands hurt from the beating.

Lin Jue had no expression on his face, stood up, and walked towards Bronya's birthday present.

This group of people was so scary, they slipped away.

Bronya opened all the gifts.

"Huh, this is the first time that Bronya feels quite tired of receiving gifts."

Lin Jue smiled: "Because everyone likes Bronya, that's why there are so many gifts."

"Rosalia and Lilia specially sent gifts here." Xi'er rummaged through the pile of gifts and took out two CDs.

"It must be a game somewhere. After all, Bronya likes to play games."

Lin Jue looked at the CD and said.

Most of the others gave what they could, such as some smart little ornaments, cute pillows and the like. What Xier gave as a gift was a Homu toy.

"Huh? Where's Brother Lin Jue's gift?"

Only then did Bronya realize that Lin Jue's gift was not here.

Lin Jue calmly took out a handle at this time.

"This, this is the Homu limited edition controller?!"

"Bronya has wanted it for a long time, but she just missed the limited time appointment."

Lin Jue said with a smile: "Actually, I bought it that time, but I wanted to give it to you as a surprise on Bronya's birthday. I didn't expect that I didn't give it out until now."

Looking at Lin Jue's charming purple pupils and smiling expression, Bronya felt a little warm in her heart.

"Thank you, brother Lin Jue."

Lin Jue just smiled and put the controller in Bronya's hand.

"Okay, it's time for our post-birthday party activities to begin. Although the scene is a bit chaotic, it doesn't matter."

Kiana said impatiently.

The activities after the birthday party were actually all kinds of fun, games, and everyone—except Kiana—prepared food for each other to taste.

Kiana's eyes lit up when she thought about having something to eat.

The moment Himeko announced the start of the event with a smile, Kiana rushed out in an instant.

"Kiana, I didn't ask you to eat right now!"

Mei Yi and Fu Hua chased after each other.

Teresa took out the bitter gourd set meal she carefully made.

"Hey, does anyone want to eat?"

"Principal, you should eat this yourself."

Bronya is sure that no one here except Teresa will eat this bitter melon set meal.

"Actually, I made it just to feed myself."

Theresa smiled "hehe" and started eating.

Outside, Yae Sakura and Rita were discussing cooking together, and later Mei joined them.

Some of the others were eating and some were playing games. Xi'er, who was originally timid, was also led by Kiana to play. The whole night was full of joy.

Bronya closed her eyes and felt the warmth and beauty carefully.

"This feels so good."

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